国际交流英语视听说听力原文 电子版B3U5.pdf

国际交流英语视听说听力原文 电子版B3U5.pdf

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国际交流英语视听说听力原文 电子版B3U5

国际交流英语视听说国际交流英语视听说 Book 3 Unit 5 A World of Words Listening 1 Welcome back, everyone. Are you all ready for the essay exam next week? OK, “no comment,” I guess. Well, today’s, today’s lecture on the poet Bashō could be a big help to you. As we discussed last time, Bashō is known today for his haiku. But did you know that haiku came from an earlier form of poetry called haikai? That’s what Bashō was writing in the early part of his career. Now, we don’t know a lot about Bashō’s early life, but we do know he studied poetry with a famous poet in Kyoto. We also know that Chinese poetry and the principles of Taoism had their influence on Bashō. As an aside, my wife and I spent several weeks in Japan right after, right after we got married, and we went to the area where Bashō was born. To be continued Listening 1 We got to see the Ueno Castle—an amazing, amazing place! It was built before Bashō was born, so it’s something he would have seen, too. It, it gave, it gave me some real insights into 17thcentury Japan. But getting back to our topic, haikai poems are groups of verses, verses or paragraphs, you could say, all linked together. They were more like the poems of Shakespeare, for example—fairly long, they were fairly long and with a set formula, or structure. The short haiku form developed from the ... from the first verse of the haikai, and Bashō had enough haiku published to get pretty famous. He soon had his own writing school in Edo, now called Old Tokyo, and that became known as the Bashō School. To be continued Listening 1 That reminds me—Bashō was not the poet’s family name. He got the na


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