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学 号 密 级 哈尔滨工程大学本科生毕业论文 院 (系)名 称: 专 业 名 称: 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 2011年6月 哈尔滨工程大学本科生毕业论文 院 (系): 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2011年6月 摘要 随着PC技术的发展,“运动控制卡+ PC ”成为当今运动控制技术的一个主要发展趋势。其主要原理为采用运动控制卡对电机进行实时控制,PC机完成人机交互等工作。运动控制卡具有开放式结构、功能丰富、使用简单、稳定性高,这些优点促使了运动控制卡广泛应用在工业生产中人机交互功能主要靠可输入输出的外部设备和相应的软件来完成。   首先,详细分析ADT8940A1运动控制板卡的性能,电气连接,以及基本的功能。其次,进行伺服驱动装置的选择,对交直流伺服电机进行比较,以及对交流伺服电机的性能指标进行比较,对驱动电机和驱动器进行选择。最后利用Visual C++对 ADT8940A1运动控制板卡的软件进行设计,让他大家了解整个软件的设计过程。   通过对所设计软件的测试,实现了预期目标,对以后运动控制板卡人机交互软件设计的研究具有一定的参考意义。 关键词:运动控制板卡交流伺服VC++ ABSTRACT With rapid development in the technology of the PC “Motion controller + PC ” has been one of the main development trends of current motion technology .its main principle of the NC mode which is using the Motion controller for real-time control motor, PC complete the human-machine interaction ,etc. Motion controller has been wildly used in industry, because it is structurally open, multi-functional, easy to use, highly stable and so on. Therefore, human-computer interaction in the application of multi-axis motion control board has played a crucial role. This paper introduces the multi-axis motion control card ADT8940A1 target movement organizations to control software design. In this paper , based on VC-based software design, mainly to complete the following tasks: First, the detailed analysis of the ADT8940A1 performance motion control boards, electrical connections, and basic functionality. Second, the choice of servo drives, AC and DC servo motor on the comparison, as well as AC servo motor performance compared to the drive motor and drive selection. Finally, Visual C + + on ADT8940A1 motion control board software designed to allow him we understand the whole software design process. Through the testing of the design software to achieve the expected goal on the board after the motion control software design o


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