探讨工业锅炉的节能-措施(Discussion on energy saving measures for industrial boilers).doc

探讨工业锅炉的节能-措施(Discussion on energy saving measures for industrial boilers).doc

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探讨工业锅炉的节能-措施(Discussion on energy saving measures for industrial boilers)

探讨工业锅炉的节能-措施(Discussion on energy saving measures for industrial boilers) Energy is the lifeblood of the national economy and an important material foundation for the improvement of peoples living standards. With the development of national economy, the demand for energy is increasing day by day. China is a country with abundant energy resources. Because of its large population, the energy output per capita is still very low, about 1/3 of the world average. Therefore, our country adopts the energy policy of developing and saving both at the same time, and puts energy saving in a very important position. Because of the low energy application level in our country, there is great potential for energy saving. Industrial boiler is one of the most energy consuming equipment in our country. It consumes about 1/3 of the energy consumption of the whole country. The industrial boiler energy consumption is to consume two energy - steam or hot water. Steam or hot water is sent to various heating facilities through a heat pipe network. Boiler, pipe network and composition of the thermal system of thermal equipment, energy utilization rate of the system is equal to the thermal efficiency of boiler, heat efficiency and heat pipe network equipment thermal efficiency of the product, which can pan. ETA = ETA ETA ETA set tube. Thus, the energy consumption of boilers is determined not only by their thermal efficiency, but also by the energy utilization rate of the thermal system. Therefore, saving energy consumption of industrial boilers must systematically consider from the boiler, heat pipe network and equipment three. The important reason of the low efficiency of industrial boiler is that the boiler capacity is too small, and the energy utilization rate is reduced. Industrial boiler in China is mainly used for heating, heating and living, many enterprises only focus on the technical transformation of the boilers progress, output and thermal efficiency, and comprehensive application



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