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关于 PROFInet 以太网现场总线的研究及应用 陈方泉 方文 马思文 方宇栋 (上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院,200072) 摘要:自从PROFIBUS 问世以来,开放的 PROFIBUS技术一直处于不断的开发过程中,其目标 是提供其应用领域的逻辑扩展。从自动化结构的角度看,很长一段时间内这个开发过程只是 关于通信机制和应用行规的横向扩展。然而,近年来集成工业自动化与企业/全球联网企业 中办公领域较高层的 IT 技术在 PROFIBUS 技术的纵向扩展中,同时又完全保留 PROFIBUS 现 有的开放性,这已成为决定性趋势。按照客户的要求,PROFInet 提供了一种开放的、一致 的 PROFIBUS 纵向集成方案,全面地满足了保护客户投资的要求,即:集成现有的通信和自动 化结构。 关键词:PROFIBUS;PROFInet;自动化结构;工业自动化;IT 技术 中图分类号:TP393.11 文献标识码:B The Research of PROFinet as the Fieldbus of Ethernet and Its Application CHEN Fang-quan, FANG Wen, MA Si-wen, Fang Yu-dong (Shanghai University Mechanical Engineering Automation, China) Abstract: Since the profibus appeared, exoteric profibus technology has been put into the continuous exploring process whose goal is just to offer us the logical expansion in the application field. From the view of automatic structure, the exploring process only focuses on how to extend itself on the way of the mechanism of communication and the regulation of application in a long time. However, in the past few years, higher-level IT technique in the filed of integrated industrial automation and enterprise/global network enterprise offices has expanded lengthways as well as remained the open speciality it has which has become the decisive trend. Following the request of customers, PROFInet has provided them with an exoteric and accordant scheme of integrating PROFIBUS and it also satisfies the request of customers for protecting their investment in the round which is that: integrating the existing structure of communication of automation. Key words: PROFIBUS; PROFInet; automatic structure; industrial automation; IT technique 1、引言 代表全世界 1200 多家会员公司的 PROFIBUS 国际组织推出了基于实时工业以太网的 PROFINET 自动化解决方案。该技术为当前的用户提供了一套完整高性能可伸缩的升级至 工业以太网平台的解决方案。PROFINET 是一项重大的并具有战略性的技术创新,它不仅


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