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佩皮尼昂大学(Perpignan) Perpignan city (PERPIGNAN) is the eastern Pyrenees (PYRENNEEORIENTALE) capital, is located in the southernmost tip of France, east to the Mediterranean, west of the Pyrenees, exclusive romantic, Spain distance 25 km, more than 800 km Paris high-speed train ride for 5 hours. Because it used to belong to Spain, it is a fusion of two cultures. So far, many Spanish traditions have been preserved. Due to the unique geographical environment formed her unique scenery, the city has 1000 years of history, is a famous resorts in Europe, is also the ideal reading place, Perpignan has the most beautiful city in europe. Founded in 1349, Perpignan university is one of the oldest comprehensive universities in france. The school is mainly based on sociology, literature and law. Like many public universities in France, there are more than 10 libraries, 200 thousand research institutions and academic libraries. More than 9000 students from all over the world live in the University City, which is equipped with multi-functional teaching buildings, libraries, canteens and other sports facilities. Peibiniang university to help non Francophone foreign students as soon as possible to enter the professional study, set up a French training center for foreign students, center set up in the University City, learn the language of the foreign students and local students in France in the same campus life, learning, for overseas students to create a richly endowed by nature language environment. Foreign students who are unable to meet French language requirements will be assigned to the center to train French. The training time will be divided into one semester or two semester depending on individual circumstances. Apply Peibiniang University Chinese students will be the first in the center a year learning French, then according to the individual voluntary access to professional learning or enroll in other colleges. At the training center of French Foreign Students Department of



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