
Unit 11 Shapes 教案1.doc

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Unit 11 Shapes 教案1

Module 4 Unit 11 教案1 一、教学重点 词汇:circle,square,star 二、教学栏目 Look and learn,Draw and say 三、教学目标 1.帮助学生学习表示形状的单词。 2.通过Draw and say画画说说不同形状的事物,帮助学生巩固所学生词。 四、教学步骤 Pre-task preparations 1.为渲染学习气氛。拿出一张正方形的纸,接着将纸对折呈现一个三角形,然后再换一种方式对折呈现一个长方形。通过演示,引出单元话题“形状”。 T: (point at the paper) Look at the paper. It’s a square. (fold the paper and point at the shape) Look, is it a square now? S2: No, it isn’t. T: It’s a triangle. (fold the paper in another way and point at the shape) Is it a triangle? S1: No, it isn’t. While-task procedures 1.出示Look and learn栏目中的单词图片,学生在理解意思的基础上仔细听其发音后进行模仿,并进行拼读。模仿和拼读活动可以是集体的,也可以是个别的。 T: (show the flashcard for square) Look, it’s a square. Square. S-Q-U-A-R-E, square. Ss: Square. S-Q-U-A-R-E, square. 2.What’s missing? 游戏。将所有单词图片呈现给学生,任意抽走一张,让学生说出被抽走的单词。前几次可以通过图片消失形式,后面几次可以是以单词消失的形式。然后让学生集体拼读这些单词。 T: What’s missing? S1: A circle. Ss: Circle. C-I-R-C-L-E, circle. 3.让学生做Draw and say,在一张白纸上画一画生活中常见的与这些形状匹配的东西,每个形状画一样。接着请一个学生上来,教师进行示范介绍。然后,让学生与同桌交流自己的画。通过画画和介绍,建立起形状与生活的联系,进一步巩固所学单词。 Ss: (draw an object in the shape of circle) T: (show S1’s picture) Look, this is an orange. It’s a circle. This is a book. It’s a rectangle. SI: (show the picture to S2) This is a … It’s a … S2: (show the picture to S1) This is a … It’s a … Post-task activities 1.让学生指着教室里的某些不同形状的东西进行介绍,培养学生的观察能力和语言表达能力。 S1: This is our classroom. It’s big and clean. We can see many shapes in our classroom. I can see a flag on the wall. It’s a rectangle. A rectangle is like a flag. I can see a clock on the wall too. It’s a circle. A circle’s like a clock. Look, that’s a TV. It’s a square. A square is like a TV. 2.I spy游戏。可以让学生分组或全班一起玩游戏。展示一些物品,然后将它们放入袋中,每次请一名学生以所看到的物品出题,说:“I spy with my little eyes something (shape).”猜的人可追问问题,出题的学生只能回答“Yes”或“No”。 S1: I spy with my little eyes something circle. S2: Is it red? S1: NO. S3: Is it white? S1: Yes. S4: Is it big? S1: Yes. S2: Is it a clock? S1: Yes, it is!


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