autolisp程序入门教学资料(AutoLISP program introductory teaching materials).doc

autolisp程序入门教学资料(AutoLISP program introductory teaching materials).doc

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autolisp程序入门教学资料(AutoLISP program introductory teaching materials)

autolisp程序入门教学资料(AutoLISP program introductory teaching materials) Introduction to AutoLISP programs - resources material I. brief introduction of AutoLISP (advantages and disadvantages) AutoLISP language is the main tool for developing Autocad. It is the product of the organic combination of LISP language and Autocad. It plays an important role in the development and expansion of Autocad. It is because of the open architecture represented by AutoLISP that Autocad has been in an invincible position in many CAD software competitions. AutoLISP is an interpreted language, can be run directly in Autocad, rather than a compiled language with the help of the original program must be compiled and linked to the compiler to generate executable code modules, the user only needs the help of a text editor (such as DOSs EDIT program) can be programmed. AutoLISP (List Processing Language) is a kind of list processing language? Quot; table is the data structure of AutoLISP language unique, widely used in AutoLISP, the table is an effective method for a large amount of data stored in a variable. For example, in AutoCAD, three dimensional numbers (X, Y, Z) are used to represent 3D points in the form of a table. Two. The assignment method in AutoLISP Unlike most computer languages use infix method to represent program statements (expression) and the prefix . For example, in the C language, assign 125 to the real number X, and write it: X = 125; The operator = is placed between operands X and 125. And AutoLISP is written: (setq, X, 125) The operator setq is placed before operands X and 125. Setq is the most important assignment function of AutoLISP. Almost all of the variable assignments should be implemented according to quot, setq. Three. How do you add a new command to AutoCAD (or how to define a function)? Structure, composition and loading of general programs In the following example, we will understand the structure of the AutoLISP language general program, how to define a execu



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