wuxi五险一金,终于懂了!anyiji(Wuxi five social insurance and one housing fund, anyiji finally understand!).doc

wuxi五险一金,终于懂了!anyiji(Wuxi five social insurance and one housing fund, anyiji finally understand!).doc

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wuxi五险一金,终于懂了!anyiji(Wuxi five social insurance and one housing fund, anyiji finally understand!)

wuxi五险一金,终于懂了!anyiji(Wuxi five social insurance and one housing fund, anyiji finally understand!) Five social insurance and one housing fund, finally understand! Endowment insurance: Generally, you have to pay 15 years and retire to enjoy your pension for the rest of your life. Therefore, you must ensure that the people who want to take the pension begin to pay 15 years before you retire. If you pay your retirement age for 15 years, then when you retire, the state will refund you 8% of the savings you have on your personal account. The unit gave you 21%, where to go, the state of the unit for you pay 21% of the money, all assigned to the national pension fund. The provisions of the state, a time only returned to the individual withholding money unit to pay for his money all contribute to the country. How do I calculate my retirement pension?. The pension of the algorithm is very complicated, the state every year the payment base change, 30: if you now, your base pay is 3000 yuan, but if the retirement age is 55 years old, then you must be 40 years old before you begin to pay pension insurance, and if youre from 30 began to turn over to 55 years is 25 years, the first sure you can enjoy the pension, secondly, if 25 years after you pay the $3000 payment base has been changed to 6000, then you are 55 years old, every month can get the basic pension of 6000 * 20%=1200, this is the country to you, in addition to your personal account money in 25 years has accumulated a lot of, the average payment base well, (3000+6000), 2=4500, then you 25 years of personal accounts should be 4500 * 8% (you pay old-age insurance personal ratio) x 25 x 12 =108000 yuan, in addition to the The 1200 blocks each month you can get a 108000 / 120=900 block, at the age of 55 every month so you can at least get 1200+900=2100 yuan pension, of course, the annual national base was still rising, this year in addition to 900 pieces of your own, you retire each month will get more than 1200 pieces of m



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