中小企业如何啃奥运大餐—[思路篇](How do small and medium sized enterprises eat Olympic Games).doc

中小企业如何啃奥运大餐—[思路篇](How do small and medium sized enterprises eat Olympic Games).doc

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中小企业如何啃奥运大餐—[思路篇](How do small and medium sized enterprises eat Olympic Games)

中小企业如何啃奥运大餐—[思路篇](How do small and medium sized enterprises eat Olympic Games) What items do you have the opportunity to form an Olympic Games market development plan? TOP plan (The, Olympic, Plan, global sponsor program) Its a top sponsor program that only grants international companies, and according to regulations, global sponsors must meet three conditions: First, enterprises and their products have noble quality and good image, and occupy a leading position in the world; Second, multinational corporations have sufficient global resources; Thirdly, it can help implement the International Olympic Committee marketing plan. As an important profit model of the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee global sponsor plan is very critical when selecting its partners, and sets the exclusive principle that only one enterprise can be selected in the same industry. 1984 is not the launch of this program, the threshold for corporate sponsorship of the Olympic Games shall not be less than the $4 million minimum, to 1997~2000 years, 11 members of the program sponsorship fee of $40 million on average, to fifth in 2001~2004 TOP, prices rose to $55 million. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held during the sixth phase of the plan, with an average sponsorship expected to exceed $60 million. So far, now including Coca-Cola, Ge, Kodak, Matsushita, John Hancock Life, Samsung, Swatch, Schlumberger, visa and other 9 well-known enterprises in the world and the International Olympic Committee signed 2005 to 2008 Olympic Games sponsorship agreement. TOP sponsors not to pay sponsorship fees credit, they will continue to increase investment promotion, in order to receive the desired effect. Coca Cola Co invested large sums of sponsorship, took out 9 times the number in the sponsorship fee for market development; visas sponsorship fee and additional investment ratio is 3:4. Thus, it is not easy to be a sponsor of the TOP program. But there are also some enterprises due to in


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