word的许许多多简便的让人惊讶的使用方法(Words many simple and surprising ways of using it).doc

word的许许多多简便的让人惊讶的使用方法(Words many simple and surprising ways of using it).doc

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word的许许多多简便的让人惊讶的使用方法(Words many simple and surprising ways of using it)

word的许许多多简便的让人惊讶的使用方法(Words many simple and surprising ways of using it) It turns out that word has so many simple and surprising ways to use it!! Replace text into pictures First, copy it to the clipboard, and then open the Replace dialog will be replaced by the text input in the search box, then the content in the replacement for box type ^c (Note: the input must be half-width character, C, click Replace lowercase). Explanation: ^c means that instruction WordXP replaces the contents in the search content box with the contents of the clipboard. By this principle, ^c can also replace any visual content that can be copied to the clipboard, including the carriage return, and even the Excel form. Remove the three header line 1, in the header, in the format - borders and shading set tables and borders for no , used in paragraph 2, ditto, but the border color is set to white (in fact, did not delete, but it does not appear, ha ha) Quickly open the last edited document If you want Word to automatically open the document you edited last time at startup, you can do it with a simple macro command: (1) select the macro menu item in the tools menu, click the record new macro command, and open the record macro dialog box; (2) in the record macro dialog box, enter Autoexec in the macro name input box, and click ok; (3) select the file from the menu, click the first file name displayed in the recently opened file list, and stop recording. Save exit. The next time you start Word, it automatically loads the last document you work on. [more exciting, as in the military first broadcast. H ttp://jsdybb. netsh. com. cn] Selectively deletes the most recently used file shortcuts from the file menu. The conventional tools and options list recently used file number changed to 0 can be deleted to selectively delete, according to Ctrl Alt - three keys, the cursor changes to a coarse minus, click file, and then click the shortcut to delete the line. Create a rectangular selection: The constit


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