中小企业留不住人的7大症结与对策(7 major problems and Countermeasures for the retention of small and medium sized enterprises).doc

中小企业留不住人的7大症结与对策(7 major problems and Countermeasures for the retention of small and medium sized enterprises).doc

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中小企业留不住人的7大症结与对策(7 major problems and Countermeasures for the retention of small and medium sized enterprises)

中小企业留不住人的7大症结与对策(7 major problems and Countermeasures for the retention of small and medium sized enterprises) Whats the most expensive in twenty-first Century? Talent!. This is the classic line in the film no thief in the world. This explains from one side the enterprise is promoted because of talented person. But, just like the enterprise of enterprises, the enterprises that use bad talents and cannot retain talents will be stopped by talents. Therefore, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises need talent, how to make good use of talent, how to retain talent is the two classical proposition to be broken (for some enterprises, it should be added: how to find talent). Here we talk mainly about how to retain talent. Why cant you keep people? Some business owners, when it comes to their own business talent loss, often with too fixed, a long day, Wang will look at Zhang, Zhang will trip Xiao Yang, not only thought of curing, and will develop inert such words, to get yourself off. I do not deny the benefits of an appropriate flow of corporate personnel. However, if these enterprises from Wang lost out to a big enterprise when the district manager went to Zhang, to another enterprise to do marketing director, Xiao Yang did not in the R D department manager, promotion is to become the backbone of the business, and doing are not wrong, then. We have reason to think that these enterprises bosses are in whitewash their own fault. Unfortunately, there are many such enterprises and such bosses around us. If they are always hard to settle down and fail to reflect on the corporate and family failures behind the brain drain, they are still hard to retain. What do we mainly mean by negligence here? First, the money people together, Juren scattered money. This is an old and simple truth. But there are many such enterprises in reality: good times and no bonuses raise wages, not drag when money is tight, is 30%, 50% of the issuance; in order to stimulate the results, s


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