xx市新农村建设表态发言(XX new rural construction statement).doc

xx市新农村建设表态发言(XX new rural construction statement).doc

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xx市新农村建设表态发言(XX new rural construction statement)

xx市新农村建设表态发言(XX new rural construction statement) 6 to implement the concept of development and building a new countryside fifteen period, the city in accordance with the requirements of Scientific Outlook on Development and the idea of urban-rural, to accelerate rural economic development as the theme, to further adjust the agricultural and rural economic structure, vigorously develop the two tour ecological sightseeing tourism, agriculture, the work has achieved fruitful results. Rural social output value, total agricultural output value, agricultural added value and per capita net income of farmers maintained rapid growth for the five consecutive year. In 2005, they reached 620 million yuan, 188 million yuan, 106 million yuan and 4750 yuan respectively. Remarkable achievements in structural adjustment. Farmers received net income from an industry and two or three industries, adjusted to 60:40. The agriculture industry has a strong momentum. Vegetables, livestock and poultry, special seed production, fruit and other agricultural pillar industries have obvious benefits, and four million yuan of science and technology and efficient agriculture have raised a new bright spot. The rapid development of non-agricultural economy, the integration of urban and rural construction steadily, the comprehensive agricultural production conditions have improved significantly, social undertakings have made overall progress, agricultural policies have been fully implemented, and Party building work has been further strengthened. At present, building a new socialist countryside is gratifying, the situation is serious, the party and the government attaches great importance to the three rural issues, a real catch for agriculture, rural development to build a solid the Great Wall. However, there are still some problems that can not be ignored while we have achieved good results in agriculture and rural work in our city. Such as the agricultural industrialization level is not high, the d


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