c++学习笔记(C++ learning notes).doc

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c++学习笔记(C++ learning notes) 1. when learning C++, the most important thing is to focus on the concept and not get lost in the technical details of the language. The understanding of programming and design techniques is far more important than understanding the details, and this understanding is simply time and practice. 2. minimize the use of arrays and C style strings. In contrast to the traditional C style, the use of C++ standard libraries, string and vector, often simplifies programming. 3., try to consider the program as a set of interacting concepts represented by classes and objects rather than a bunch of data structures and some functions that move binary bits in the data structure. 4.C++ allows you to put any declarations into namespaces. Five Virtual, void, push (char, c) = 0; Virtual means that it can be redefined in the class derived from this class in the future. The syntax specification for =0 indicates that this function must be defined in certain classes derived from such a class. The 6. template is a compile time mechanism that does not cause any additional runtime overhead. 7. string type provided by standard library: Name.replace (start, end, string2); Name.substr (start, length); (name.c_str); / / C style string value extraction 8. use: CIN str; When a blank character will end an entry, you can read a full line as follows: Getline (CIN, STR); The member function size () of the 9. vector vector gives the number of his elements. VectorEntry book (1000); a vector of //1000 elements VectorEntry book[1000]; an array of //1000 null vectors 10.vector does not check the range: Int i = book[1000].name; / / random value Table 11. List Typedef listEntry:: const_iterator, LI; For (LI, I = book.begin (); I = = book.end (); ++i) {...} Each standard library container provides functions begin () and end (), which are returned to the first element in the container and the iterator over an element at the end, respectively. For a given iterator I, the next next ele



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