为什么说尾田是天才(Why is Tian Tian a genius).doc

为什么说尾田是天才(Why is Tian Tian a genius).doc

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为什么说尾田是天才(Why is Tian Tian a genius)

为什么说尾田是天才(Why is Tian Tian a genius) A teacher Oda OP became popular in the world, in Japan is the high popularity is not nearly so scary, the popularity and other popular works are not the same, OP series of 13 years has not changed what is in the sea, always a dream carrying and pure sailing, now the strong commercial atmosphere of terror in Japan in fact, look at the animation industry, Post Bar peoples signature on the look out, most of the animation signature map are selling adorable, butcher, selling cool, even to sell blood, there are a lot of drama Guzuoshenchen, a now popular works of the most offbeat, so, such works have in common is some time no one see, all the way to see Mr. Oda is very high in Japanese comics industry and Japans position, sooner or later, with Urasawa Naoki, Akira Toriyama and other masters of a level, this position is definitely not hype and exaggeration, have not thought about why read OP the people did not love it? We are only know the taste do not know cooking methods let me? The half who can answer your occupation! 1 what is the comic? Different from different from the sketch, sketch, different from the exquisite CG, cartoon is a special kind of art, focusing on a diffuse, although a lot of beautiful, vivid cartoon. Now high popularity, but it deviated from the diffuse nature, in the comics not in the impressionistic realism, diffuse itself has the characteristics of drawing cannot be expressed, if only the pursuit of beauty that will only become cartoon painting, developed into a sketch, developed into CG, Japanese also clear, style and design the tail that Tian is the most orthodox diffuse painting it depends on second points. 2 Teacher Tian characters ability, then the above, first look at the 10 protagonist OP, animal skeleton with the robot and Melly look at There was no parallel in history., played a supporting role, Hawkeye, Ace, general, white beard. Which is not a very personality? Which people no impression on your mind



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