占豪收评如何寻找潜力概念股-黄金游戏-占豪的投资博客-搜狐博客(Comments received how to find out the potential of stocks - Gold Game - out investment Sohu blog - blog).doc

占豪收评如何寻找潜力概念股-黄金游戏-占豪的投资博客-搜狐博客(Comments received how to find out the potential of stocks - Gold Game - out investment Sohu blog - blog).doc

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占豪收评如何寻找潜力概念股-黄金游戏-占豪的投资博客-搜狐博客(Comments received how to find out the potential of stocks - Gold Game - out investment Sohu blog - blog)

占豪收评如何寻找潜力概念股-黄金游戏-占豪的投资博客-搜狐博客(Comments received how to find out the potential of stocks - Gold Game - out investment Sohu blog - blog) Comments received: how to find out the potential of stocks - Gold Game - out investment blog - blog login registration from | Sohu | search | help 09 years to a monthly income of 20 thousand Loading... Just a moment, please. Its downloading... Gold investment game - out blog archive log album video sharing life home stock market stock market Sohu blog gold game - out investment blog log analystscomments log 2008-12-17 | received: how to find out the potential stocks label: MACD skdj The concept of a gold For stocks, too many people at a loss, how can not find the feeling, even if learning can not get started, and sometimes this is indeed a difficult problem to solve. Fry fry what? Concept! A wave of the general trend of the market is a concept, the rise of stocks is also a concept, but the essence of the concept is different. Read the gold game - from A shares profit investors know, the author described in particular the concept of speculation stocks, stocks are indeed from these concepts to speculation profit. In fact, the performance must be placed in the concept to look at the effective use, and the concept must be placed in the trend of speculation, it makes sense. The concept of out of the trend is the concept of inanimate, but performance is not necessarily a necessary component of the concept, but the concept is only a kind of expectation in the future. As for the performance, the value of the investment is just a specific phase of the concept of specific factors, so the value of the investment value is very low due to advocate the so-called speculation. So, how to choose stocks? In fact, the author in the golden game gave a detailed description, in the previous Bowen is also constantly described. Select stocks must follow such steps: first, determine the trend trend; only the security situation in order to choose stocks,


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