主持互动游戏1(Play interactive games 1).doc

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主持互动游戏1(Play interactive games 1)

主持互动游戏1(Play interactive games 1) The game, take seven to appliances: no number: no limit method: many people participated in, from the 1-99 number, but the number of times to contain the number 7 or 7, not to take off, a persons head, the next person to report. If someone wrong number or shoot the wrong people drink. Games and heart disease: no more: the more the better: a poker game is handed out to everyone on an average basis, but you cant look at yourself and others cards. Then, in order of human order, according to the number. For example, there are 5 people who can be numbered 1-5. If the persons card is the same as its own serial number, then everyones hand is shot to the card, you can fold your hand and clap, and finally the person who is photographed is the loser. The game, open train equipment: no number: more than two people, before starting, The more, the better. method: everyone says a representative of their names. But the location cannot be repeated. After the game starts, suppose you come from Beijing, and another person comes from Shanghai, you have to say: open, open, open, train, Beijing train is going to open.. Everyone asks, where do we go? You say, Shanghai opens.. The man who represented Shanghai immediately responded and said, the train from Shanghai is going to leave.. Then everyone asked, where do you go? Then the person chooses another game object and says, go somewhere.. If the other person hesitates, he doesnt react, and then loses. ? Paper cup water transmission: to enhance the sense of closeness, to test the cooperation and cooperation ability of members. Requirement: select eight men and one team, alternating between men and women. A total of sixteen employees were selected and divided into two groups at the same time. Another two officers assisted the first group of staff to pour title to the cup, then one is transmitted to a person in the last one of the cups, paper cups of water poured into a small cylinder, the last in a limited



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