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1000-0569/2010 /026( 09)-2665-80 Acta etrolog ica Sinica 岩石学报 * 张荣华 张雪彤 胡书敏 ZHANG RongH ua, ZHANG X ueT ong and HU ShuM in , , 100037 Laboratory of GeochemicalK inetics, Institute of M ineralResources, ChineseA cademy of Geolog ical Sciences, Beij ing 100037, China 2010-07-14 收稿, 2010-08-15 改回1 Zhang RH, Zhang XT and Hu SM 1 20101 Deep rocks and ore-form ing processes in Luzong olcanic basin1A c ta P etrolog ica S in ica, 26(9) : 2665- 2680 Abstract T he depo it dom inated by py rite-anhydrite-magnetite ( Py-A nh-M t) ore o ccur in the M e ozo ic con tinental volcan ic ba in ( e1 g, Luzong ba in) form ed by fau lt depre ion in the M iddle-Low er Y angtze R iver V alley1 A bundant iron and pyr ite m ineral depo it are found in volcan ic and ubvolcan ic ro ck in Luzong ba in, and al o di tr ibuted in the ba in m arg in1 T hem ain volcan ic rock are pota ium-r ich alkali ba alt ( ho hon ite er ie ) -trachyande ite-trachy te a emb lage1 In the deep part of the volcanic ba in, alkal-i gabbro-py roxene m onzon ite- yen ite ro ck a emb lage occur corre ponding to the volcan ic rock , uch a , Quekou gabbro, and Y ang han pyroxene yenite1 H ydrotherm al activ itie often happened to volcan ic rock and to the deep m agm atic rock 1 T he e Py-A nh-M t depo it are m ain ly accompanied by two et of alteration zoning, the inner ( deeper) melanocratic alteration and the outer ( hallow er) leucocratic alteration1 The both behave a d i tinct alteration m ineral zone in vertical pace1 The hallow er part: T he leucocratic- alteration zone, con i t of ub tantial pyr ite and anhydrite ore and ilic ified rock , con tituting exten ive py rite-anhydr ite-quartz rock that are a o



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