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中国蔬菜 2013(2):66-69 CHINA VEGETABLES 侧芽嫁接对小型无籽西瓜生长、产量、品质 和抗性的影响 * 廖道龙 伍壮生 蔡兴来 高学望 梁振深 (海南省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,海南海口 571100) 摘 要:以小型无籽西瓜先甜童为材料,以自根苗和幼苗顶芽嫁接为对照,研究侧芽嫁接对西瓜生长、 产量、品质以及抗性的影响。结果表明:与自根苗相比,侧芽嫁接和顶芽嫁接一样不仅表现为生长势强、 产量高、品质不受影响以及抗病性好等特点;而且侧芽嫁接相对于顶芽嫁接具有嫁接亲和性高、生产成本 低等优势。尽管侧芽嫁接在侧芽生长不整齐,一次性出芽少,不利于集约化嫁接育苗等方面还存在问题, 有待于进一步克服,但侧芽嫁接技术作为小型无籽西瓜嫁接育苗的一种选择方式仍具有很好的推广前景。 关键词:小型无籽西瓜;侧芽嫁接;顶芽嫁接 中图分类号:S651  文献标识码:A   文章编号: 1000-6346(2013)02-0066-04 , , Effect of Lateral Bud Grafting on Growth Yield Quality and Resistance of Small Seedless Watermelon * LIAO Dao-long,WU Zhuang-sheng,CAI Xing-lai,GAO Xue-wang,LIANG Zhen-shen Vegetables Institute of Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Haikou 571100 Hainan China ) ( , , , Abstract :Taking small seedless watermelon 〔 Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)Matsun.et Nakai〕 ‘Xiantiantong’ as material,taking the self-root seedling and the apical bud grafting as the contrast, this experiment studied on the effect of the lateral bud grafting and on growth,yield,quality and disease- resistance of watermelon. The result indicated that compared with self-rooted bud, the lateral bud graft- ing with the apical bud grafting not only possessed the same traits of vigorous growth,higher yield, higher quality and better disease resistance,but also with higher compatibility and lower cost than the apical bud grafting.Although the lateral bud growth was not even and with less disposable budding, which were unfavorable to intensive grafting and seedling culture,the lateral bud grafting technology, as a selective method for grafting and seedling cultivation of small seedless watermelon, could still have a good prospect for extension. Key words :Small seedl


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