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组织T1值(时间)越长,信号就越低,因此我们称长T1为低信号;组织T1值(时间)越短,信号越高,我们称短T1为高信号。 组织T2值(时间)越长,信号就越高,因此我们称长T2为高信号;组织T2值(时间)越短,信号越低,我们称短T2为低信号。 业精于勤 ,荒于嬉。 3D-TOF-MRA AVM CE-MRA 脑 1H-MRS 分水岭梗塞侧枝循环代偿高灌注(ASL) 左大脑后动脉心源性栓塞,左MCA代偿性灌注增加 影像科设备高度,基本上代表着医院水平,影像科依赖临床生存,临床依赖影像科发展。而我们呢? * 武威话就是数数儿,数你不同的部位有多少氢质子,哪些部位氢质子发生数量改变,你哪些就有病了 * 序列就是方法的意思,比如我敲鼓,用木棍敲和石头砸出来的声音是不一样的。在MR上我们就是通过改变参数重复时间,回波时间… * 张主任、李主任小孩谁优秀……我大姐和二姐谁是胖子…… * * 不同密度 * * * * * * * * * The first of these is PROPELLLER – now on the HD platform able to produce both T2-weighted and FLAIR images. Bringing you back for a moment to the particular challenges of pediatric patients, PROPELLER has the unique ability to produce a high definition image even in the presence of the sometimes severe motion of an unsedated child. * * The first of these is PROPELLLER – now on the HD platform able to produce both T2-weighted and FLAIR images. Bringing you back for a moment to the particular challenges of pediatric patients, PROPELLER has the unique ability to produce a high definition image even in the presence of the sometimes severe motion of an unsedated child. * * The first of these is PROPELLLER – now on the HD platform able to produce both T2-weighted and FLAIR images. Bringing you back for a moment to the particular challenges of pediatric patients, PROPELLER has the unique ability to produce a high definition image even in the presence of the sometimes severe motion of an unsedated child. * * The first of these is PROPELLLER – now on the HD platform able to produce both T2-weighted and FLAIR images. Bringing you back for a moment to the particular challenges of pediatric patients, PROPELLER has the unique ability to produce a high definition image even in the presence of the sometimes severe motion of an unsedated child. MRI对脊柱、脊髓检查与CT比较,有成像范围大、多方位成像、无骨伪影、对比度高等优势,但对骨质破坏、骨折改变不如CT。 椎管内肿瘤。可直观显示椎管内肿瘤大小、范围、性质,明显优于CT。 颅底畸形。Chiari畸形、颅底陷入症等均优于CT。 脊髓炎症及脱髓鞘病变。MRI显示清晰,但CT几乎无法发现病变。 脊柱先天畸形。脊膜膨出、脊髓栓系、脊髓空洞症等,首选MRI检查。 颈椎病、腰椎病。颈椎间盘突出优于CT,可显示脊髓受压及变性情况。骨质增生、后纵韧带



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