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第五章 单组元相图及纯金属的凝固 Chapter 5 Phase Diagrams for a Single-component system and Solidification of Pure Metals (Chapter 9 principles and Applications of Solidification P245) §1 单元系相变的热力学及相平衡 §2 液态金属的凝固过程 §3 晶核的形成 §4 晶体的成长 §5 金属凝固动力学及晶粒尺寸 §6 凝固理论的实际应用举例 §1 单元系相变的热力学及相平衡 Gibbs Phase Rule From thermodynamic considerations, Gibbs derived an equation that computes the number of phases that can coexist in equilibrium in a chosen system. This equation, called Gibbs phase rule, is P+F=C+2 Where P=number of phases that coexist in a chosen system C=number of components in the system F=degrees of freedom Usually a component C is an element, component, or solution in the system. F, the degrees of freedom, is the number of variables ( pressure, temperature, and composition) that can be changed independently without changing the number of phases in equilibrium in the chosen system. Gibbs phase rule relates the number of degrees of freedom at equilibrium, to the number of components, in the system, the number of phases in equilibrium, and the two state variables temperature and pressure. The number of degrees of freedom available to the system at equilibrium is the number of variables that can be independently adjusted without disturbing equilibrium. §2 液态金属的凝固过程 二、 金属熔液凝固时的过冷现象 由于体系的熵恒为正值,且随温度升高而增大,可见: 1. 体系自由焓-温度曲线为下降曲线; 2. 由于 , 曲线形状上凸; 3. SLSS, 故GL-T 的下降速度大于GS-T; 4. 必有一交点:对应TM-理论结晶温度。 液 固,单位体积自由能的变化Δ Gv为 (1) 其中:Lm为熔化潜热 ∵ T=Tm时,ΔGv=0 (2) 将(2)代入(1), Solidification of metals represents a transformation from a non-crystalline liquid to a crysta


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