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黑龙江农业科学 2008(4):63 ~65 Heilongjiang Ag ricultural Sciences 园艺园林 、 1,2 (1.农业部甜菜品质监督检验测试中心,哈尔滨 150080;2.黑龙江省普通高校甜菜 传育种重点 实验室,哈尔滨 150080) :以不同年份不同类型番茄种子为试材, 测量了种子的含水量、千粒重和种子活力, 研究了在 30 ℃、25 ℃、 20 ℃三种温度条件下, 温度对不同年份早、晚熟番茄种子发芽率、发芽势的影响。 结果表明:不同类型种子发芽 率、发芽势随保存年限的增加而降低。在20 ~30 ℃范围内, 随温度升高发芽天数提前, 发芽率提高。种子活力, 不同类型番茄品种均随保存年限的增加种子活力降低。 :番茄;种子活力;发芽率 :S641.2    :A    :1002-2767(2008)04-0063-03 Effects of Temperature on Vitality of Tomato Seeds in Different Years and Types LIU Nai-xin1,2 (1.T he Key Laborat ory o Sug ar Bee t Genetic Breeding , H eilongjiang Unive rsity , H arbin 150080;2 .Centre o r t he Co nt rol o Sugar Bee t Q uality , Mi nist ry o A gricult ure P R China, H arbin 150080) Abstract:With the seed o tomato in di e rent y ears and ty pes as te sted materials,the w a te r Co nte nts, 1000-seed w eight and seed v itality w ere determined.T he e ect o temperature on ger mination rate and ge rminatio n potential o seeds o ea rly a nd late ma turing tomato in di erent y ears w ere studied.T he results sho w ed:the g erminatio n ra te and g erminatio n po tentia l o di erent types seed reduce w ith the increase o keeping year s.In the scope o 20 to 30 ℃, the re w e re ahead o g ermina tion and e nhanced ge rminatio n ra te w ith the increasing o temper ature.T he seed vitality r educed w ith the inc rease o keeping y ears in di erent ty pes o to mato. Key words:tomato;seed vitality;ge rminatio n r ate   , 1  材料与方法 [1] 。 1.1  , [2] , , 。: [3] 。,


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