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KAB BULLION HONG KONG LIMITED 三甲金银业有限公司 CLIENT ACCOUNT AGREEMENT 开户协议书 客户协议书 CLIENT’S AGREEMENT 客户姓名 Client Name: 户口号码 Account no.: 本协议于二零零 年 月 日订立。 (1) 三甲金银业有限公司( 以下统称 三甲”),其注册地址为香港湾仔告士打道 178 号 30 楼 为一方;及 (2) 在本附表列出姓名、地址及详情 (倘文义允许,以下简称 客户”) 为另一方。 鉴于: (1) 客户欲于三甲不时开立一个或超过一个户口,以供买卖各种金属(见下文定义)之用。 (2) 三甲同意不时应客户的要求及酌情准许客户于三甲开设一个或多个户口,并接受及维持以指定名称、编号或其他方式为客户开 立的一个或多个户口,并应客户要求为其进行金属交易。 THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of 20 . (1) KAB BULLION HONG KONG LIMITED (collectively called KAB”) whose registered address is situated at 30 floor, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong of the one part; and (2) The party whose names, address and descriptions are set out in the Schedule hereto (where the context permits is hereinafter collectively called the Customer”) of the other part. WHEREAS : (1) The Customer is desirous of opening one or more accounts with KAB or such of them as the Customer may decide from time to time for the purchase or sale of bullion (as defined below). (2) KAB and each of them agree that it/they will from time to time at the request of the Customer and at its/their sole discretion allow the Customer to open one or more accounts with it/them and accept and maintain such account or accounts to be designated by name(s), number(s) or otherwise, and will act as broker(s) (except as principal(s) on occasions specified in th is agreement) for the Customer in the purchase or sale of bullion. K


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