
第三章:口译 medical service.pptx

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Unit 10 Medical Service By Julian Objectives After studying this unit, you should Master the basic words and expressions about Medical Service. Know some knowledge about Medical Science. Useful Expressions 喉咙发炎 Sore throat 发肿 Swollen 反胃 Vomit 药方 Prescription 药丸 发高烧 Run a high fever 得了流感 Get the flu 油腻的食物 Greasy food 燕麦粥 oatmeal 虫咬 Insect bite 骨折 Fracture/broken bone 每日涂抹3次。 Rub the medicine on your skin 3 times a day. 骨科医生 An orthopedic surgeon 弹力绷带 A supporting bandage 石膏托 Plaster cast/plaster support 肱骨 Humerus; humeri (pl.) 口服液 Medicine to be taken orally 愈合 heal Pharmacist 药剂师 Nausea[nɔ:ziə, -siə, -ʃə, -ʒə] 恶心,呕吐,晕船 Mild painkiller 镇痛药,轻微止痛药 Diarrhea [,daiəriə] 腹泻 Nasal decongestant 鼻甲去充血剂 Indigestion 消化不良 Emergency room treatment 抢救室 病床 Hospital bed 挂号处 Registration office 候诊室 Waiting room 急诊病人 Emergency case 门诊病人 Out-patient 内科 Medical department 手术室 Operation room 小儿科 Pediatrics department 住院部 In-patient department 住院医生 Resident physician 主治医生 Physician/surgeon in charge, attending doctor, doctor in charge 病房 Ward 观察室 Observation room 护理部 Nursing department 门诊部 Out-patient department 实习医生 Intern, interne 外科 Surgical department 药剂师 Pharmacist, druggist 住院病人 In-patient 住院处 Admitting office Useful Sentences 您哪儿不舒服? What’s wrong with you? 我头痛,喉咙发炎,胸口疼。 I have a headache and a sore throat and my chest hurts. 我全身都痛。 I am in aches and pains all over. 夜里开始感到胃痛、想吐。我一夜都没睡着。 During the night my stomach began to ache and I felt like vomiting. I could get no sleep at all. 这种情况有多久了?您吃过什么药了吗? How long have you been like this? Did you take any medicine for it? 我看到您喉咙发红且明显发肿,有脓。 I can see your throat is bright red and markedly swollen, with pus. 您在发高烧,摄氏39度。我想您是得了流感。 You are running a high fever, 39 degrees centigrade. I think you’ve got the flu. 要是您觉得病情加重了,就请来门诊。 If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic. 您需要卧床几天。还有我必须提醒您,暂时不要吃油腻的食物,两三天内吃容易消化的食物,如面条,牛奶等。 You should stay in bed for a few days. Now then, I must warn you against greasy food for a while. For two or th


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