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OI :10.13653/j.cnki.jqte.2009.03.013
中国地区研发创新 相对效率与全要素生产率增长分解 ·139 ·
白俊红 江可申 李 婧
【】以1998~2006 年中国大陆30 个省级地区 面板数据为基础, 应用超
越对数随机前沿模型, 实证测评了各地区研发创新 相对效率与全要素生产率增长
情况。研究显示 一段时间内全国整体研发创新技术效率较低, 尚有较大 提升空
间;各地区研发创新技术效率存在差异, 且东部地区高于中、 西部;研发创新 全
要素生产率与技术进步均有所增长, 但增幅减缓;技术进步是全要素生产率增长
主要动力, 而技术效率在考察期内并未发生明显变化;全要素生产率增长与技术进
步均不存在绝对收敛, 但存在条件收敛。
研发创新 相对效率 全要素生产率 随机前沿模型
F270 A
On the Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity
Growth of China s R D Innovation
Abstract:Based on the panel data of China s 30 regions during 1998 ~ 2006,
this study conducts an empirical analysis on the R innovation efficiency by using
the stochastic frontier production function.Our results show the whole country s
R innovation efficiency is low, and still has a large space for improving;the
R innovation efficiency is different among different regions, and the east is
higher than the middle and west.The total factor productivity and technology pro-
gress are growing, but the growth breadth is decreasing;technology progress is the
main cause of the growth of total factor productivity, but the efficiency improve-
ment is not obvious;there is not absolute convergence, but there is conditional con-
vergence in the whole country and all regions.
Key words:R Innovation;Eficiency;Total Factor Productivity;Stochastic
Frontier Model
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·140 · 《数量经济技术经济研究》 2009 年第3 期
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, , , Zhang
(2003)、 (2006)、 (2006) (2007),
(2006)、 (2007) (2008a)
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(, 2002;
, 2007), (, 2008b),
30 (),
(Stochastic Frontier Analysis),
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