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第 9卷 第 1期 西安欧亚学院学报 Vo.l 9 No. 1 2011年 1月 Journal of Xian EurasiaUniversity Jan. 2011 任 芳, 李子猷 ( , 710123) :在我国民办高等教育发展历程中, 论界从多方面进行了持续研究仅 1995年以来, 国内 公开期刊发表的有关文论, 总量超过 1万篇其中部分文论不乏具有独到见解对 论界有关民 办高校发展中的 8 个问题观点进行了综述, 并做了简要评论这 8 个问题是: 民办高等教育发展 阶段问题民办高校产权与治 结构问题发展资金来源问题办学定位与办学特色问题教学质 量问题科研水平问题人力资源管 问题政府对民办高校管 问题 : 民办高校; 发展; 研究 : G640 : A : - ( 2011) 01-0032-14 Summary of the researches in the development of China s non-governmental colleges REN Fang, LI Zi-you (O ffice of Un iversity A ffairs, X ijing University, X i an 710123, Ch ina) A stract: In the course of developm ent of non-governmental higher education, the theorieswere being keeping researched in varied aspects. Since 1995, more than 10, 000 papers have been published in China, and some of them have unique ideas. This paper summarizes the eight issues of non-govern- mental colleges that have been m ainly investigated by the scholars in the past years, and m akes brief comments on the issues. H ere are the issues: the development stagesof non-governmental higher educa- tion, the property rights and governing structure, sources of developm ent finances, the schoo-l running level and characteristics, the teaching quality, the scientific research competence, the human resources management, the governments managem ent of non-governmental colleges. KeyW ords: non-governm ental college; developm ent; research , , , , , , : ; ; ; () ; ;


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