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《自然辩证法概论》 课程论文 题 目 人与自然怎样走新的和谐 学 院 学 号 姓 名 指 导 老 师 日 期 人与自然怎样走新的和谐 摘 要 为更好地解析人与自然和谐发展理论的含义,本文分别从人口、资源、生态 环境、空间等四个方面多方面的分析了人与自然在走向和谐道过程中所遇到的困 难,提出了控制人口增长、提高资源利用率、加快建设生态文明制度、实施自然 资本投资战略、以及加强生态道德教育相关解决方法,以促进人与自然走向新的 和谐。 众所周知,实现人与自然的和谐相处是构建和谐社会应有之义。所以,我们 必须要学会如何更好地尊重自然和善待自然。从意识上认识到与自然和谐相处的 重要性,自觉保护自然,维持自然生态系统的平衡,这是我们义不容辞的责任, 也是必须要做到的,只有这样才能走向人与自然新的和谐,因此才选择这个话题, 总体上阐述个人对人与自然和谐的一些看法。 【关键词】和谐;和谐社会;生态平衡 I How To Build New Harmony Between Man And Nature Abstract For better to analytical people and natural harmony development theory of meaning, paper respectively from population, and resources, and ecological environment, and space, four a aspects many of analysis has people and natural in to harmony road process in the by encountered of difficult, proposed has control population growth, and improve resources utilization, and speed up construction ecological civilization system, and implementation natural capital investment strategy, and strengthening ecological moral education related solution method, to promote people and natural to new of harmony . As we all know, harmony between man and nature is the meaning of building a harmonious society. Therefore, we have to learn how to respect nature and treat nature better. From consciousness to recognize the importance of living in harmony with nature, consciously protect nature, maintain the balance of natural ecological systems, it is our unshakable responsibility, also have to do it, the only way to the New Harmony between man and nature, so they chose this


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