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* Collaboration through user-initiated resource sharing 面向用户的资源共享方面的合作 Rare Book Digitisation Project 珍本书数字化项目 Kirtas APT 2400 RFID and self check 无线射频识别及自动借还 Replaced by Open access: The HKU Scholars Hub 开放存取:港大学术中心 About HKUL through Wiki: Knowledge Bank 维基上的香港大学图书馆:知识银行 Staying in touch with users: 2.0 style 与用户保持联系:2 .0 模式 Next generation library catalogue: Dragon 2.0 下一代的图书馆目录:Dragon 2.0 Enhancing the traditional catalogue 改进传统目录 Managing campus plagiarism software 管理校园抄袭行为的软件 Meeting our users at their places 到用户中去 Keeping in touch: Blogging 保持联系:部落格 e-Video and student competition 电子录像及学生比赛 Other initiatives from planning 由规划产生的其他项目 Internal customer service training modules 内部顾客服务培训模式 Electronic fees payment 电子收费 Subject librarians’ extension service 学科馆员扩展服务 Marketing plan for greater library usage 增加图书馆用量的推广计划 The HKUL Annual Leadership Institute 香港大学图书馆领导研修班 Establish learning commons in all libraries 在所有图书馆设立多元学习空间 Faculty book delivery service 学系送书服务 More initiatives from planning 更多由规划产生的项目 Take a leading role in the HK Memory Project 香港回忆项目的领导角色 Explore how we might share original Chinese cataloguing 探索如何共享中文数据编目 Initiate exchange programs with North American and British libraries 与北美及英国图书馆的交换计划 Develop a volunteers’ program to involve members of the community 设立自愿计划以融纳社区人士参与服务 Many, many more… 源源不絶的创新…… Finally: Planning is about change, improvement and Survival 结语: 规划与转变、进步和生存息息相关。 To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often 要进步就必须求变; 要完美则更须不断求变 Winston Churchill Thank you 谢谢! * * Topic 1: Planning in a Dynamic Library 第一讲:动态图书馆之规划 The HKU Experience 香港大学的经验 Peter Sidorko and Tony Ferguson May 9, 2009 “ “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential” 「纸上谈兵是没用的, 只有开始行动才是最重要的」 Winston Churchill Planning 计划 Planning is the conscious predetermination of courses of action. 计划是有意识的预定行动方案 Making things happen that may not have. 使可能不会发生的事情发生 Attempting to control the future. 尝试控制未来 The function of eve


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