Offer、counter offer and acceptance_Letter.ppt

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Offer、counter offer and acceptance_Letter

Unit 5 Offer Letter、Counter-offer Acceptance Offer Letter Objectives : By learning this unit the students are supposed to be able to 1.Master the essential words and expressions 2.Be familiar with the structure of firm offer letter 3.Learn the writing skills of firm offer letter Teaching focus 1.Structure of firm offer letter 2. Sample letter 3. Typical sentences of firm offer letter 4. Practice writing firm offer letter Revision: Translate these phrases 图解说明书 大量需求 保兑的、不可撤销的信用证 包括3%的佣金 Revision: Translate these phrases 图解说明书 illustrated catalogue 大量需求 a considerable demand 保兑的、不可撤销的信用证 a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit 包括3%的佣金inclusive of 3% commission Translate the useful expressions: 如贵方提供型号、质量与要求相符的货物, 我方考虑定期大量订货。 如质量和价格适宜, 这里销售前景看好。 If you supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities. Provided quality and price are satisfactory, there are prospects of good sales here What Is an Offer? An offer refers to a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions in which the seller not only quotes the terms of price but also indicates all necessary terms of sales for the buyers consideration and acceptance. In addition, an offer may be classified into a firm offer and a non-firm offer. What’s a firm offer? A firm offer means the offeror can’t withdraw or make any changes to the offer during the period of time stipulated in the offer. The key feature is that a firm offer has binding force. Once the firm offer is made, the offeror is totally engaged and not allowed to change within the date of validity. Major features of firm-offer: 1).The offer must be written clearly that the offer is firm. 2).The offer must be clear, definite, complete and final. 3).The offer must state the time of validity. What’s a non-firm offer? Non-firm offer also means offer without engagement, it has no binding force upon the offeror and the offeree. Major features of


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