Reading comprehension高中英语必修三第六模块阅读课件.ppt

Reading comprehension高中英语必修三第六模块阅读课件.ppt

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Reading comprehension高中英语必修三第六模块阅读课件

Reading comprehension Module 6 高峡出平湖 秀美如画廊    ?? ?? “ 更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖,神女应无恙,当惊世界殊。”   这是毛泽东1956年三次畅游长江之后写下的气势磅礴、豪情满怀的光辉诗篇。今天,他老人家当年的畅想终于在三峡建设者的手中化作了美好的现实。   要说三峡大坝,不能不先说长江三峡 Do activity 2 on page 52 and answer those questions. The key to the questions: No. he didn’t. It means the power can be used. He thought of it himself. No, it isn’t. Read the passage and decide the following statements are true or false. Mao Zedong once dreamed that there would be a great dam to harness the power of the Yangtze River. The three Gorges Dam will provide enough hydro-electric power for the whole country. The dam will generate a lot of electricity causing much less air pollution. A large number of historical relics have been damaged because of the dam. Do activity 3 on page 53 and write questions for the answers. The key to activity 3: Why was the Three Gorges Dam built? How high is the dam? How wide is the dam? Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River? How much of China’s energy is produced by burning coal? How many villages were flooded when the dam was built? 4. suggest+名词 n. 现在分词 V-ing that从句 + (should) do 疑问词 + to do The doctor suggested a complete rest. Did he suggest what to do next? We all suggested that he (should) be taken to hospital as soon as possible.(建议) 但The look on his face suggested that he was angry. T F T F 1.hold 阻碍 hold 抑制(价格等的) 上升 hold 别挂断/hang on 别挂断 稍等 hang up 挂断电话 hold on ____ 牢牢抓住、 留着不卖掉(旧家具等) to back down on 2.come true实现,成为现实 Now his dream has . 如今,他的理想变成了现实。(回归课本P53) realise one’s dream / make one’s dream come true / make one’s dream realised come true 3.narrow adj.狭窄的;有限的;v.使变窄 观察思考 She has very narrow ideas about religion. 她对宗教的见解很狭隘。 That was a narrow escape ;we were lucky. 那真是死里逃生,我们真幸运。 5.The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution. adj.短语后置定语 大坝能生产相当于燃烧4 000万吨煤所产生的电量,而且



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