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Good evening ,I don’t believe we have met before, let me introduce myself ,I’am Chen 晚上好,我们以前没见过面,我自我介绍一下,我的名字叫陈一明。 I come from china 我来自中国。 Customs 海关 Where is the customs 海关在哪里? Is the customs examination here? 海关检查是在这吗? Please show me your passport. 请把你的护照给我看看。 Here you are 给你 Anything to declare? 你有什么要申报的吗? Have you got any suitcase? 你带手提箱了吗? Would you mind opening the case ? Right that’s all 请打开皮箱。 好了检查完毕了。 Passport and embarkation card please. 请拿出护照及入境证。 Is your visit on business or pleasure? 你是经商还是旅游? How long will you staying? 你要停留多长时间? About four months 四个月左右 What your purpose of your visit ?你旅行的目的是什么? On business 因公 What’s inside this package 这包里是什么? Got any cigarettes or Spirits /wine?你有香烟和酒吗? Good noon, sir could I have your passport and ticket please?午安,先生请将护照和机票给我好吗? Your seat is 26C,boarding time is twenty minutes before departure and you will board at gate 18. Have a nice flight. 你的座位是26C,登机时间是起飞前20分钟,在18号门登机。祝你旅途愉快! Can you tell me the cost of the room?请把房间费用告诉我? How much do you charge for one per day 一间房子每天多少钱? Excuse me could you show me the way to the post office? 请问能不能告诉我到邮局怎么走? How can I get to the railway station?我怎样到火车站? Hello!This is the company.喂,这是修井公司。 Is Mr.Eton in ,please? 请问伊顿先生在不在? I said the meeting has been changed to half-past two. Can you hear me ? 我说会议改到两点半你听清楚了吗? I see ,is there anything else? 明白了,还有其他事吗? What’s the time now ?现在几点了? It’s four twenty 现在是四点二十。 May I trouble you to tell me the time ?麻烦你可以告诉我现在几点吗? What’s the date today?今天是几号? What day is today ?今天是星期几? What’s the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? What’s the temperature today? 今天气温多少度? 36、He works as a driller in this crew他在这个队当司钻。 37、He is the most able engineer of the Second Drilling Company.他是钻井二公司最有能力的工程师。 38、We get everything in order before we leave the location.在我们离开井场之前,把一切都收拾好 。 39、It’s number eighty-five of petrol (gasoline).它用85号汽油。 40、 are used for raising and lower the pipes.绞车用来上提或下放钻具。 41、Now circulate, please! 现在请循环泥浆! 42、Through this high pressure


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