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青 岛 工 学 院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 传统老行当博物馆结构设计 摘 要 本工程位于浙江省湖州市,长约70.5米,宽约15.7米,高为22.65米,总建筑面积为6641m2,该项工程总共6层,一层高为4.2米其它层均为3.6米。建筑平面设计合理,能满足游客、和工作人员流畅通行的要求,在紧急时刻还能满足消防的要求。展厅空间安排合理,能满足各类展品的展览需求。作为“传统老行当博物馆”,本建筑还能提供部分体验展厅,游客动手实践。 该建筑为钢筋混凝土框架结构,纵横向承重体系,基础采用钢筋混凝土柱下独立基础,埋深1.55m。楼面板、屋面板、卫生间采用现浇楼板。本次设计只进行结构的设计,主要有一榀框架的内力计算、主要构件截面的配筋设计、基础的结构设计以及结构施工图的绘制。 关键词:结构;内力计算;截面设计; 配筋计算 Abstract The project is located in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. The building is about 70.5 meters long, 15.7 meters wide and 22.65 meters high, a total construction area of 6641m 2. The project a total of 6 floors, first floor is 4.2 meters. Other layers are 3.6 m. Building plan design reasonable, it can satisfy the smooth passage of visitors and staff requirements. In times of emergency it also can meet the fire safety requirements. Exhibition space will be reasonable, to meet the various exhibits in the exhibition needs. As a traditional old business museum, the building also provide some experience hall, hands-on experience for visitors. The building is a reinforced concrete frame structure, vertical and horizontal load-bearing system, using an independent foundation under the foundation of reinforced concrete columns, the depth is 1.55m. Floor panels, roof, adopt the bathroom floor slab.This design is only for structural design, the main one of internal force calculation, the main component of cross section of reinforcement design, the basic structure design and working drawing. Key words: structural calculation; internal force calculation; section design; reinforcement calculation 目 录 1 建筑工程概况 1 1.1 工程地质勘探资料 1 1.2 气候条件 1 1.3 地震烈度 1 1.4 结构设计资料 1 1.5 主要构件建筑做法 1 2 结构设计 2 2.1 建筑材料的选用 3 2.2 框架结构计算简图及梁、柱线刚度 4 2.3 竖向荷载计算 5 2.3.1 竖向荷载总图 5 2.3.1 竖向荷载作用下框架的内力计算 11 2.3.3 活载作用下的内力计算 18 2.4 横向风荷载作用 23 2.5 水平地震作用 30 2.6 横向框架内力组合 38 2.6.1 框架梁内力组合 38 2.6.2 框架柱内力组合 43 2.7 截面配筋设计 50 2.7.1 框架梁 50 2.7.2 框架柱 54 2.7.3 楼板设计 60 2.8 基础设计 63 2.8.1 选择基础材料 63 2.8.2 选择基础埋置度..........................................



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