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办园理念论文:成为彼此生命中的盐 【摘要】幼儿园的办园理念是指导全园各项教学工作的教育思想,恰如指引航程的灯塔。濮阳市市直幼儿园结合濮阳市富含盐矿的地域特点和悠久灿烂的历史文化,提炼确立了“爱如盐”的教育理念。“爱如盐”取自意大利童话《爱如盐》。一盐可调百味,一爱成就教育。爱之于教育,恰如盐之于生命。我们的生命不能没有盐。我们的教育也不能没有爱。盐,极其普通,却又弥足珍贵;盐,朴实无华,却又润物无声。有盐,我们的生活才有滋有味;有爱,我们的教育才能焕发出无穷的魅力,才能彰显出生命的活力.那么,这种教育理念是如何渗透在育人当中,又是如何通过 【关键词】办园理念; 爱如盐; 生命中的盐 becomes in each other life the salt chen hui shang cong 【abstract】the kindergarten manages the garden idea is instructs the entire garden each teaching profession the education thought that is as though to direct the range the lighthouse. the puyang straight kindergarten unified puyang richly including the salt mine region characteristic and the glorious bright historical culture, the refinement has established “loved like the salt” the education idea. “likes like the salt” being from the italian fairy tale to love like salt. a salty adjustable hundred taste, as soon as likes the achievement education. loves it in the education, is as though the salt in the life. our life cannot not have the salt. our education cannot not love. the salt, is extremely ordinary, is actually well worth preciously; salt, unadorned, actually run silent. has the salt, our life is only then flavorful; has the love, our education can glow the infinite charm, can show the life the vigor. then, how is this kind of education idea seeps in nurtures in the middle of the human, also how is to enable it through the concrete practice to obtain the enrichment abundantly unceasingly?  【key words】manages the garden idea; loves like the salt; in life salt 1986年,位于市中心居民巷,占地5700平方米,设托、小、中、大四个年龄段24个班级,在园幼儿800多名,全园教职工137名。20多年的教育实践积淀了她独特的文化底蕴,我们本着传承文明、追求卓越、打造精品幼儿园的宗旨,提炼确立了“爱如盐”的办园理念。 我们为什么确立这样的办园理念呢?这要从一个故事说起—— 1 爱如盐—一个由故事引发的教育理念 有位国王问三个女儿:你们有多爱我?大女儿说:“父亲,我爱您像蜜。”国王笑得眯起了双眼。二女儿说:“父亲,我爱您像酒。”国王嘴都合不拢了。小女儿说:“父亲,我爱您如盐。”“什么,像盐?那些普通散碎的盐?”国王大怒,把小女儿给关了起来。王后知道了这件事,专门为国王做了一桌大餐,只是每道菜都没有放盐。结果,满桌的山珍海味,却让国王难以下咽,他不由得发出这样的感慨:“蜜甜,不一定每天都吃;酒香,不一定每天都喝,盐,却是每天都离不开的呀!” 一盐可调百味,一爱成就教育。爱之于教育,恰如盐之于生命。我们的生命不能没有盐。我们的教育也不能没有爱。盐,极其普通,却又弥足珍贵;盐,朴实无


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