describe a person 2如何描述人物.ppt

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describe a person 2如何描述人物

* 话题写作之二: Describing a person Short hair, straight hair, black hair Long hair, Curly hair, Blond hair How to describe appearance Section A Revison He has short,blond hair and lots of little wrinkles on his forehead. What does he look like? How to describe build(体格) and height The man has a medium build ,and he is one head taller than the woman. Yao Min is 2.26m tall and weighs 87 kilos. 好文章的标准 1. 全面性(Comprehensiveness):要点全面. 2. 正确性(Accuracy):语法正确并符合英语的表达习惯。 3. 多样性(Variety):词汇短语丰富,结构多样,句型复杂。 4. 连贯性(Logic):恰当使用承上启下的词语和连接词,使全文流畅连贯,浑然一体。 Section B Steps for Writing English Essays 1、审题到位:内容(要点)体裁,人称、时态 2、要点成句:(1)正确——符合英语语法和英语表达习惯。 (2)优美——丰富的词汇,丰富而高级的结构句式. 3. 联句成文:巧用过渡语和连接词. 4.检查修改:语法,拼写,字母大小写,标点符号. 注意: (1) 开头的交代句与结尾的总结句,增强呼应 . (2)牢记常识性套话的习惯表达. (3)谚语,成语 四 个 步 骤 1.General introduction: aged 23; born into a worker’s family in Beijing on Oct. 23, 1985; grow up in …where he received his education; _______________________________,Lu Xun, was the father of Chinese modern literature. 尽量用分词短语,使文章简洁,通顺 Lu Xun,_________________________________, was born in Zhejiang Province . 概况:age, sex, birth-place, background 鲁迅, 浙江绍兴人, 是中国现代文学之父。 Section C Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province the father of Chinese modern literature 同位语结构,使文章简洁,通顺 ●2.Appearance外表 Medium build, fat, a bit overweight, good-looking… 我的语文老师是个温和的女人,身材矮小,她长着两只大眼睛,带着一副眼镜。 My Chinese teacher , ___________________, has two big eyes and wears a pair of glasses. My Chinese teacher,________________________, has two big eyes and wears a pair of glasses. My Chinese teacher is a gentle ,short woman _____________________________ 巧用同位语 巧用定语从句 巧用with介词短语做后置定语 a gentle ,short woman who is a gentle, short woman with two big eyes and a pair of glasses. ●3. character 性格 Absent-minded, bad-tempered, warm-hearted, patient… Mr Zhang,我们的物理老师, 善良,而且负责又有耐心。(一句多译) a. Mr Zhang,_________________ , is kind, responsible and patient. b. Mr Zhang,_____________________ , is kind, patient and resp


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