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常見ESD防護及量測方法 ESD events occur when static builds up on an object and then is rapidly transferred to another object. Either of the two objects may be damaged as the result of this charge transfer. Most of us are familiar with the ESD event that occurs when we walk across a carpet on a dry day and then touch a doorknob. We feel, and sometimes see, a small spark as the charge built up on our body is transferred to the doorknob. At worst, it startles us. In fact, we will not even feel this ESD event until the voltage exceeds about 3500 volts! Many sensitive electronic devices are damaged at voltages of 100 volts, or less. A damaging ESD event may occur without anyone noticing it. For an ESD event to occur, it is necessary that three things occur. Static charge must first be generated on an object by some means. The physical nature of the object must also allow the charge to accumulate on the object. Finally, charge must be removed from the object and transferred to another object rapidly enough to cause the ESD problem. These three events need not occur at the same time, and are often separated by long periods of time. If you can interrupt or prevent any one of these three occurrences, you can prevent the damaging ESD event from happening. We’ve seen some of the problems caused by static charge. This section covers the basics of charge generation on materials and what methods are used to remove the charge once it has been created. This section will establish the need to use air ionization as part of a comprehensive static control program. Contamination control is the purpose behind using cleanroom environments. Static charge can attract and hold particles on product and equipment surfaces, despite high quality air filtration and laminar airflow. ESD damage can result from the uncontrolled transfer of static charge to or from sensitive devices, such as semiconductors wafers, reticles, MR heads, and packaged integrated circuits. Equipment problems generally f


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