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海尔集团技术创新模式研究 摘要:当今时代,创新越来越成为社会生产力解放和发展的重要标志,越来越决定着一个国家、一个民族的发展进程。在创新的诸领域中,技术创新起到了不可替代的作用。特别是伴随经济的发展,推动和加速技术创新是促进经济增长的重要方法。21世纪,全球进入知识经济时代,产品寿命周期日益缩短,消费市场变化日益加速,特别是随着金融危机的不断扩散和蔓延,技术落后的企业仅仅依靠技术引进、消化吸收、模仿创新的技术发展模式受到了极大挑战。面对竞争激烈的国际市场,“企业要么创新,要么就是死亡”。于是,技术创新模式选择问题就成了各国学术界、企业界以及政府关注的焦点。 本文通过以具有代表性的大型企业海尔集团为例,分析他们的技术创新模式特点,再结合我国技术创新发展现状,选择利于自身长远发展的技术创新模式,这样既能使企业合理规划利用资源的同时,提高企业的市场竞争力,又可以在获取更高利润的同时,还能让国家有限的资源得到合理配置,从而促进我国经济持续良性地发展。因此,总结出一套符合我国大中型企业现状的未来技术创新模式,是一项一作紧迫的任务。 关键词:技术创新;模式;海尔集团 Abstract: in the present era, innovation has increasingly become an important symbol of social productivity liberation and development, more and more determines the development process of a country, a nation. In the field of innovation, technology innovation plays an irreplaceable role in. Especially with the development of the economy, promote and accelerate the technological innovation is an important method to promote economic growth. In twenty-first Century, the world has entered the era of knowledge economy, the product life cycle is getting shorter and shorter, the consumer market accelerating change, especially with the financial crisis continues to spread and spread, backward technology enterprises rely solely on technology development mode of technology introduction, digestion and absorption, imitation innovation is greatly challenged. Facing the fierce competition in the international market, either the enterprise innovation, or death. Therefore, the choice of technological innovation mode will become the academia, business circles and the focus of attention of the government. In this paper, by large enterprises in the representative Haier group as an example, analysis of technology innovation modes of their characteristics, combined with the present situation of technology innovation development of our country, the choice of technological innovation mode is conducive to their long-term development, so as to enable enterprises to effectively plan and utilize resources at the same


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