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湿地公园水域植物配置设计与种植技术探讨——以湖北武当山风景区新区湿地公园为例Analysis of Aquatic Plant Arrangement and Cultivation Technology in Wetland Park—Taking the Wetland Park in Wudang Mountain Scenic Area as the Example张 薇 / ZHANG Wei郑翔南 / ZHENG Xiang-nan王其超 / WANG Qi-chao对武当山新区湿地公园的自然环境进行分析后,提出水域植物配置应重点突出主体植物荷花,体现道教与荷结缘。用自然流畅的单色板块,种植华实双全的籽莲品种,并辅以多种观花、观叶水生植物,效法自然生态景观,前瞻持续发展。对 湿地公园的组成部分旅游发展中心大楼周边的人工水池,则采取自然式缸植,与湿地公园种植风格保持一致,对于种植方法、 密度、品种选择均因地制宜。通过探讨湿地植物配置与种植技术,试图模拟自然生境,构成丰富多彩的水生植物群落生态景 观,以期对地球湿地保护修复和建设有些许启示。风景园林;湿地公园;设计;植物配置;荷花;种植技术1000-6664(2014)11-0101-04 文献标志码:A 修回日期:2014-09-28Abstract: Based on the analysis of the natural environment in Wudang Mountain Wetland Park, this paper proposes that aquatic plantsarrangement should give prominence to lotus as the main plant to embody its close relationship with Taoism. The arrangement and cultivation could apply natural monochromatic scheme and plant lotus species with both flowers and fruits, supplemented by other flowering and foliage aquatic plants. This arrangement should also follow the natural ecology landscape and prospect a sustainable development. As to the artificial pool around the building of tourism development centre, natural water vat cultivation should be applied to be in line with the wetland parks planting style, and the plating methods, density, selection of species should also be properly chosen to suit local conditions. Through the discussion on plants arrangement and cultivation technology in wetland, this paper proposes that the planting should try to imitate natural environment and form rich and colorful aquatic plants phytocoenosium ecology landscape, and this paper may give further reference to the wetland conservative restoration and construction on the earth.Key words: landscape architecture; wetland park; design; plant arrangement; lotus; cultivation technology湖北武当山,属大巴山脉分支,周围400km2,山峦起伏,峰岩兀立,涧水长流,树密林深,云雾蒙眬,是太极拳发祥之地,有“亘古无双胜境, 天下第一仙山”之誉。因其山川风光灵秀,古典皇家宫观建筑群气势恢宏, 于1982年被列为第一批国家级风景名胜区,1994年入列《世界文化遗产名 录》。近年,当地政府为适应旅游业发展的需要,规划


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