用镜头说话 ——浅谈纪录片的镜头语言 毕业论文.doc

用镜头说话 ——浅谈纪录片的镜头语言 毕业论文.doc

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用镜头说话 ——浅谈纪录片的镜头语言 毕业论文

纪录片:用镜头说话 ——浅谈纪录片的镜头语言 Documentary : speak with the lens —— A Study on the lens language of documentary films 摘 要 纪录片是以真实生活为创作素材,以真人真事为表现对象,以不能虚构情节、不能用演员扮演、不能任意改换地点环境、不能变更生活进程为其基本特性的一种影片。就终端播放媒介来划分,一般分为电影纪录片和电视纪录片,其中电视纪录片是纪实风格与艺术表现风格有机结合为一体的电视艺术节目,对真人真事的详细报道和表现,其结构就是编导者对题材的组合、安排。但不管哪种类型的纪录片,其本身就是一种依赖镜头去发现的艺术,所以镜头语言在其诸要素中显得尤为重要。本文就纪录片的镜头语言展开研究和探讨,试图通过对国内外优秀纪录片的分析研究来浅显的总结纪录片中镜头语言的一些规律和技巧手法等。镜头语言的运用恰当与否,直接关系到一部纪录片的成败,一部优秀的纪录片不仅要在镜头的构图、用光、变焦乃至影调上下功夫,更重要的是要对镜头特有的表意功能加以显现。我们研究纪录片镜头首当其冲的就是在其表意功能上做文章,学会用镜头说话,而且要做到“言之有物,言之有理”。学会用镜头语言遣词造句,是每个学习纪录片的人应该具备的基本能力,面对一个好的选题,如果不能用准确精辟的镜头语言来表达,那么再精彩的内容也将变得平淡无奇,苍白无力。因此,希望通过这篇论文首先从理论上可以加强对纪录片镜头语言的锤炼,丰富理论知识储备,解答一些疑惑,更好的指导今后的学习实践,并给纪录片工作者提供一定参考。 关键词:纪录片 镜头语言 蒙太奇 长镜头 Abstract Documentary is a film which based on a real-life material for the creation, object for the performance of a true story, without fiction , actor , any change of location of the envir- onment , and can not change the life of the procession also . Divides on the terminal broad- cast medium, generally divides into the movie documentary film and the television docum- entary film, the TV documentary film is a TV art program which on-the-spot report style a- nd the artistic performance style organic knot bes in one, to actual events detailed report a- nd the performance, its structure is directing to the theme combination, the arrangement . But no matter which type documentary film, itself is the art which one kind of dependent lens discovered that therefore the lens language appears in its various essential factors esp- ecially important . This passage will research and disscuss from the lens and languages of the documentary, trying by analyzing the excellent documentary domestic and overseas, and then summarizing the orderlinesses and the artifices simply. Whether correctly use the language of the lens, it is connecting dir



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