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起来啊 快起来 Get up! 获得完胜的冠军是The winner, by total annihilation... 阿山哥Yama! 还有谁要来Who is next? 谁还有胆量来挑战我阿山哥Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama? 阿山哥Yama! -我能试一试吗 -嗯?-Can I try? - Hmm. 我有个机器人 是我自己做的I have a robot. I built it myself. 闪开 小鬼Beat it, kid. 不知道规矩么 先付钱才能参加House rules. You gotta pay to play. 哦 对 这些够了吗Oh, uh, is this enough? 你叫什么 小鬼头Whats your name, little boy? 滨田宏 叫我小宏Hiro. Hiro Hamada. 来吧 小狗Prepare your bot, Zero. 机器人对决Two bots enter, 谁将获得胜利one bot leaves. 准备Fighters ready? 开战Fight! 刚刚只是热身 我能再试一次吗That was my first fight. I... Can I try again? 还嫌不够疼么 小鬼No one likes a sore loser, little boy. 回家喊妈妈吧Go home. 我还有钱Ive got more money. 准备Fighters ready? 开战Fight! 超级机器人 摧毁它Mega-bot, destroy. 嗯?Huh? 什么What? Huh? -阿山哥已经落山了 -什么 这- No more Little Yama. - But, wha... 这怎么可能This is not possible! 其实我和你一样感到惊讶Hey, Im as surprised as you are. 也许是侥幸Beginners luck. 你想再来一次吗 阿山哥Do you want to go again, Yama? -没人赢得了我 -喂 等等- No one hustles Yama! - Whoa. Hey... 给他点教训Teach him a lesson. 你们好啊 有话好好说嘛Hey, fellas. Lets talk about this. -小宏 快上车 -阿正- Hiro! Get on! - Tadashi! 来得正好Oh, good timing! 啊哈A-ha! 额滴神啊Oh, mama! -你没事吧 -嗯- Are you okay? - Yeah. -没受伤吧 -没有- Are you hurt? - No. 那你脑子被门夹了吗 笨蛋Then what were you thinking, knucklehead? 啊Ow! Ow! 你十三岁就高中毕业了You graduated high school when you were 13, 就为了干这个吗and this is what youre doing? 找到他们了There they are! 嘿Hey! 抓紧我Hold on! 哇偶 棒Whoo-hoo! Yes! 给我回来Get back here. 机器人对决是违法的Bot fighting is illegal. 你想被关进监狱里吗Youre going to get yourself arrested. 机器人对决并不违法Bot fighting is not illegal. 靠机器人对决赌博 这才是违法的Betting on bot fighting, thats... thats illegal. 不过这太好赚钱了But so lucrative! 现在我可是好运连连 大哥 没有什么能够阻止我Im on a roll, big brother! And there is no stopping me! 哦不Oh, no. 嗨 卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass. 你们俩没事吧 快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me youre okay. -我们很好 -没事- Were fine. - Were okay. 太好了Oh, good. 那你们两个傻子脑袋被门夹了吧Then what were you two knuckleheads thinking? 十年了For 10 years, 我一把屎一把尿把你们拉扯大I have done the best I could to raise you. 我是个好家长吗 不是Have I been perfect? N


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