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Thematic Based Language Teaching 主题式教学在21世纪的发展及应用 Jianhua Bai Professor of Chinese, Kenyon College Director, Chinese School, Middlebury College Today’s Talk is Divided into: What is Theme-base Language Teaching? Why? How (curriculum design) ? How (material development)? How (classroom practice)? What? an approach to curriculum design that seeks to reach a balance between language and content instruct instruction with an emphasis “on using the language rather than on talking about it” (Lightbown Spada, 1999, p. 92). 什么是主题式语言教学 主题式语言教学是以内容为载体,以文本的内涵为主题所进行的一种语言教学活动。主题式语言教学模式强调语言在实际生活中的实际应用,主张语言教学情景化,生活化。此种教学模式不再以语言要素或者语言技能为课堂的组织结构,而是把语言放到有意义的主题中去学习,把语言教学和“内容”教学结合起来。 Why: What does Research Tell Us? Language is a system of symbols by which people of a social group communicate, and language is based on syntax (rules of sentences), phonology (rules of sounds), morphology (rules of word formation), semantics (how symbols and meanings are related), and words. As teachers we need to help our students to acquire this system effectively in a meaningful and communicative and theme-based context. 教学理念: What does Research Tell Us? 语言是人们用以交流的符号系统,以语法(成句的规则)、语音(语音规则)、词法(词语形成规则)、语义(符号和意义的关联)和构词为基础。作为语言教师,我们需要帮助学生在一个有意义的交际环境中,有效地获得该系统。主题式教学的中心是让学生在良好的、具有高度动机的环境中进行语言学习。 Why: What does Research Tell Us? The presentation of coherent and meaningful information leads to deeper processing, which results in better learning… Information that has a greater number of connections to related information promotes better learning (Anderson, 1990).围绕有意义的主题进行教学有助于学生对新内容的吸收。 Facts and skills taught in isolation need much more practice and rehearsal before they can be internalized or put into long term memory; coherently presented information (thematically organized) is easier to remember and leads to improved learning (Singer, 1990)围绕有意义的主题进行教学有助于学生的长期记忆。 Why: What does Research Tell Us? Language is a social activity, and the choice of language varies according to social function and personal in


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