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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Power Losses Analysis Input Voltage VS Power Losses: MOSFSE Conduction Losses: Bridger Power Losses: Total Dissipation Power losses: Efficiency Power Losses Analysis CCM vs. CRM Frequency vs. Input Voltage Phase VS Input Voltage: Ton Analysis Toff Analysis Frequency vs. Phase Extract voltages and currents from the data file. Compute the rms line-line voltages and rms line currents. computing the Fourier coefficients of the line-line voltages and line currents: Compute reconstructed voltage waveforms from the Fourier coefficients Calculation of RMS and Mean Line-Voltage/Current Spectrum THD and Power Factor Comparison with EN-61000-3-2 Class D limits Conclusion MathCAD 使用方法简单,方便使用者学习,亲切的使用界面与简单的表示方法,更能方便使用者在短时间内熟悉上手。并且了解各种功能,包括向量矩阵的计算、单位换算、统计分析、影像处理、动画制作、方程式求解、符号解析计算、制作函數图形,还有电子书的制作等。 透过实例的方式操作步骤,让我们了解到如何进行特殊和普通的符号运算,进而解决实际的问题。在我们做論文的时候,有时一些设计用來分析的數学模块,在还不知道它的正确性,或是數值分布曲线的情况下,利用这套软件,可以很方便、快速地协助我们分析數学式子。在实验數据收集完成之后,还可以利用MathCAD绘出2D,3D的图形,增加論文实验部份的精致及美观性,这套软件是我们做研究不可或缺的好帮手。 参考书目 REFERENCES [1] M.Sanz, A.Lazaro? “Improvement of Power Electronics Education with an Interactive Electronic Book based on MathCAD?” IEEE Power Electronics Education? 2005. [2] Cristian Domnisoru? “Using MATHCAD in Teaching Power Engineering?” IEEE trans On Education? VOL. 48?NO.1? FEBRUARY 2005. [3] R. W. Larsen? “Introduction to MATHCAD?” Englewood Cliffs? NJ: Prentice-Hall? 1999. [4] Mathcad User’s Guide? MathSoft? Cambridge?MA? 2001. [5] Alan Felzer, “Introduction to MathCAD,” 2003 [6] ST AN1089 Application Note [7] Lai, J.-S.; Chen, D.? “Design consideration for power factor correction boost converter operating at the boundary of continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode.” in Proc. IEEE Appl. Power Electron. Conf, 7-11, Mar. 1993. pp.267 – 273 * * * * * * * * * */54 国立交通大学 电机与控制工程研究所 2009年3月8日 浅谈MathCAD在电力电子的学习与应用 John Hung 洪袈瀚 LAB808 NCTU Lab808: 电力电子系统与芯片实验室 Power El


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