2017叶兴国商务英语阅读教程1第二版课件Unit 4.pptx

2017叶兴国商务英语阅读教程1第二版课件Unit 4.pptx

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Unit 4 Staff Management;BACKGROUND INFORMATION;BACKGROUND INFORMATION;BACKGROUND INFORMATION;Management(English);Management(Chinese);Human Resource Management [HRM or HR] is the management of human resources. It is referred by the HR Department[by whom?] to maximize employee performance in service of an employer‘s strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. HR departments are responsible for overseeing employee-benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and rewarding (e.g., managing pay and benefit systems). HR also concerns itself with organizational change and industrial relations, that is, the balancing of organizational practices with requirements arising from collective bargaining and from governmental laws. ;Human Resource Management;Human Resource Management;Human Resource Management;Human Resource Management;Pre-reading Questions;Reading Skills;商务英语词汇构词法;商务英语词汇构词法;商务英语词汇构词法;商务英语词汇构词法;商务英语词汇构词法;商务英语词汇构词法;商务英语词汇构词法;Text A Handle Your Men in the Office;2. For a fellow who mixes business and charity soon finds that he can’t make any money to give to charity; and in the end, instead of having helped others, he’s only added himself to the burden of others. Translation:对一个把企业和慈善机构混淆起来的人来说,他很快就会发现赚不到任何钱捐给慈善机构了,并且最后他不但不能帮助别人,自己反而成了他人的负担。;3. …sits around waiting to be hunted up. …… Translation:坐等被人发现。 4. Indiscriminate blame is as bad as undiscriminating praise—it only makes a man tired. Translation:不分青红皂白的指责和不加区别的褒奖一样,是不可取的—只会使人感到厌烦。 ;5. Once you do, and it’s only a matter of time before you’ve got to place the remnants in the hands of a doctor as receiver. Translation:一旦你这么做了,那么何时把你的余生交到医生手里就只是个时间问题了。;Text B Seven Useful Lessons You Can Learn from a bad boss ;;;Keys to Exercises Text A;Keys to Exercises Text B;Text B;I. Discuss 3. See how much effort bad bosses have to use to make things happen their way. See how others react


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