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Personal Marketing Plan Zhao Fei 2011/12/25 Content Introduction--------------------------------------------------- 3 Part one: SWOT ANALYSIS ------------------------------------------- 3 Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats Part two: Marketing Mix Analysis (4P Analysis) -----------------------4 Promotion Place Value (Price) Myself (product) Part three: The Prospect of Future------------------------------------6 Part four: The long-time plan and short-time plan-----------------------6 Part five: Summary --------------------------------------------------7 Introduction: As a student who will graduate from the university, I have high pressure to the future. I have much desire for the success. And I feel much confused to my future road. But I am certain that I will struggle for what I want. After three years of university life, facing with graduation, how to make myself stand out in a number of job seekers, and to become an excellent staff. Advanced personal marketing plan is the essential thing to analyze. Part one: SWOT ANALYSIS Strength: There is a strong mix of skills, written, verbal skills. And I have good computer skills. Besides I have a higher market analysis, participated in better market research activities. Furthermore, I can greatly influence the others with the innovative ideas and my emotions. Above all I have good health, hard-working spirit. Weakness: I am very young, resulting in I may not down my heart to do the things in my hand. And I may be forward to another alpine, when I stand on the hall. Opportunity: ①.Ordinary institutions of higher learning this year will be about 7.58 million graduates over the previous year.②. The rise of knowledge economy, information on the personnel put forward higher requirements. ③.Chinese companies from the production, marketing organization are to transform to the marketing organization. ④.The economy in China is growing more and more blooming.⑤. The firms do the personnel r


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