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( ) 2009 11 2 0 Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences) DOI: 10. 37 5/ j. issn. 100 942X. 2009. 09. 101 浙江农村居民消费支出系统 函数的稳定性检验 1 1, 2 黄祖辉 陈林兴 ( 1. , 310029; 2. , 315100) [ ] 19 3 2007 , , , , , , , , , [ ] CU SUM ; CUSUMSQ ; ; ; ; AIDS Testing the arametric Stability of the Demand System of Zhejiang Rural Residents 1 1, 2 Huang Zuhui Chen Linxing ( 1. Chi na A cademy f or R ural D ev el op ment , Zhej iang Univ er s i ty , H angz hou 310029, Ch ina 2. B us iness S chool , Zhej iang Wanli Un iv ers i ty , N ing bo 315100, Chi na) Abstract: From 19 3 to 2007, the consumption structure of Zhejiang rural residents has gone through great changes. But parametric stability test show s that, among the eight consumption expenditure equations that comprise a whole demand system, only the equations for clothing, household facilities and services, transportations and communications, miscellaneous commodities and services, as well as cultural, educational and recreational articles and services have witnessed a local and temporary structural change. The other three equations the equations for food, residence, and medical services have remained quite stable. In general, the consumption behavior of Zhejiang rural residents has not changed significantly during this period of time. It is obvious that the changes in consumption structure are due to changing prices and income rather than changing preferences of these people. Key words: CUSU M test; CUSU MSQ test; consumption s


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