国际贸易实务 (双语)--品质条款.ppt

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国际贸易实务 (双语)--品质条款

2.1 Sales by Specification 凭规格买卖 By specification of goods, goods that reflect the quality of some main indicators. Such as composition, content, purity, performance, thickness, length. Sale by specification is more convenient, accurate, can also be adjusted according to different applications, so this method is widely used in international trade. 【Typical Case Link 1】 凭商品规格,即反映商品品质的一些主要指标。如成分、含量、纯度、性能、长短、粗细。凭规格买卖比较方便、准确,还可以根据不同用途予以调整,故这种方法在国际贸易中广为运用。【典型链接 1】 One Chinese foreign trade export company A exported to German company B a batch of marijuana. In the contract it was stipulated that the water should not exceed 15%, impurity not more than 3%. Before the deal, company A sent the sample to the customer and after the contract Company A advised “the sample is similar to the goods”. After the arrival of the goods in Germany, the buyer B showed the inspection certification, reading the goods quality was 7% inferior to the quality of the sample, therefore the buyer claimed for 600 pounds of compensation. Company A refused the compensation and stated its reason by saying that the merchandise on delivery was selected because while producing, it was not possible for the goods to be made exactly like the sample. But it was also not so far as lower than the sample`s quality by 7%. 【Typical Case Link 1】 中国A外贸公司向德国B公司出口大麻一批,合同规定水分最高15%,杂质不超过3%,但在成交前,中国公司曾向对方寄过样品,合同订立后又电告对方“成交货物与样品相似”。货到德国后,买方出具了货物品质比样品低7%的检验证明,并要求赔偿600英镑的损失。中国公司拒绝赔偿,并陈述理由说:该方商品在交货时是经过挑选的,因为是农产品,不可能做到与样品完全相符。但也不至于比样品低7%。 What mistakes are there in the Chinese company A? 问题:中方公司的失误在哪里? Can Company A just turn a blind eye and ignore it by saying that the deal is not by the sample? 问题:是否可以该商品并非凭样成交为由而不予理赔? Question: Question: 回答:卖方避免对交易货物的品质承担双重担保义务(既凭规格又凭样品);虽卖方电文中告诉对方货物与样品相似,而不是完全相符,但买方有权保留索赔的权利;买方出具品质比样品低7%的证明,虽不符合实情,但卖方也拿不出留存样品,故要赔偿600英镑。 For example: Fresh Hen Eggs, shell light brown and clean, every in size Grade AA:60 — 65gm per egg Grade A:55 — 60gm per egg Grade B:50 —


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