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* 民航英语02教学课件下载-样章.ppt Cabin English (book 2) Lesson One Review(复习) Useful Phrases(常用短语) 民航英语200句 New Words(生词) Text Analysis(课文分析) Exercises(作业) Teaching Steps and Teaching Aim 词汇讲解 suitable adj. 适合的, 适当的; 相配的(to, for) books suitable for children 适合儿童阅读的书籍 This wine is not suitable to my taste. 这酒不合我的胃口。 steam n.. (水)蒸汽, 水汽, 蒸汽压力, 发散物 [口]精力, 气力, 能[动]力轮船, 乘轮船 旅行 不流通的空气 worked by steam 以蒸汽为动力 travel by steam 乘轮船旅行 a days steam 一天的轮船航行 damage n.损害,毁坏,破坏,伤害,杀伤; 事故,故障, 损失 [常用复][口]费用, 代价, 赔款 costs and damages 讼费和损害费 They sued for damages. 他们起诉要 求赔偿损失。 obtain vt.获得, 得到; 买到 [古]达到 obtain a prize 得奖 He obtained a knowledge of Latin. 他学会了拉丁文。 attempt vt尝试; 企图袭击; 攻击夺取 [古]企图杀害 attempt to carry out a plan 试图执行某一计划 attempt sb.s life 企图杀害某人 satisfactorily The experiment has worked out satisfactorily这项实验已经取得令人满意的结果。 The experiment will come off satisfactorily.? 实验将取得满意的效果。 in spite of He laughed in spite of himself.他不禁笑出声来。 lay the foundation 打下基础 follow in sb’s footsteps He will probably follow in his fathers footsteps.?他可能会继承父业。 Alex will follow in his mothers footsteps and become a teacher.? 阿力克斯步他母亲的后尘也成为一名教师。 faced many difficulties, …面临困难 He faced the difficulty with courage .他勇敢地面对困难。 too…to do… 表示“太….以致于不能做….”之意, He is t oo tired to work on.他太累了,不能继续干下去。 Sb./sth .be said to have done 意为“某人/某事据说已做了….” He is said to have written a new book .据说他己写了本新书。 Soon others followed in their footsteps. 不久别人纷纷步其后尘。 One that had to be made ….必须要作出的决定。。。 He is one who never troubles about his personal interests. 他是一个从不计较个人利益的人。 Orville Wright United States aviation pioneer who (with his brother Wilbur Wright) invented the airplane (1871-1948) The Wright brothers conceived the design of the first successful motor powered plane.? 莱特兄弟构想出第一架成功的动力驱动飞机的设计。 Notes to Text A 1、… they were too tired to work on .它们太重,真的不起任何作用。 too …to do 表示“太……以致于不能做……”之意。如:He is too tired to work on .他太累了,不能继续干下去。be of use 的结构相当于be useful,再比如be of help 相当于be helpful.,be of importance



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