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不要总是依赖家长和老师解决问题。(rely) Don’t always rely on your parents and teachers to solve problems. 我们惊奇地看到我国西部正发生着巨大的变化。(place) We’re surprised to see that great changes are taking place in the western part of our country. 没过多久,我就发现他不是一个容易打交道的同事。(before) It was not long before I found that he was not a colleague easy to deal with. 广告上说,吃一块这种饼干相当于喝两杯牛奶。(compare) According to the ad, having a biscuit of this kind can be compared to having two glasses of milk. 这个讲座的目的不仅是要告诉学生吸烟的危害,还要鼓励他们以健康的方式去生活。(not only … but also) The purpose of the lecture is not only to tell students about the dangers of smoking but also to encourage them to lead a healthy life. 越来越多的人更乐于用手机短信传递祝福。(prefer) More and more people prefer to send their best wishes by text messages. 那些流感患者必须立刻送往医院与他人隔离开来。(infect) Those infected with flu must be sent to hospital at once in order to be isolated from others. 历经磨难,他对人生依然十分积极,这令人肃然起敬。(despite) Despite countless hardships, he remains positive about life, which is admirable. 一旦你养成说英语的习惯,你就会感到纳闷,以前究竟怕什么。(once) Once you have formed the habit of speaking English, you will wonder what on earth you were afraid of. 经过两个小时的讨论,他们得出了结论,即必须向经理投诉这件事情,不管多麻烦。(conclusion) After two hours’ discussion, they drew the conclusion that they must complain to the manager about it, no matter how troublesome it is. 请人修一下这台录音机贵不贵?(cost) Does it cost a lot to have the recorder repaired? 每个人都应该意识到自己在社会和家庭中所扮演的角色。(aware) Everybody should be aware of the roles that he himself plays in society and in the family. 网上购物虽然便捷,但个人信息的安全问题不容忽视。(while) While online shopping is convenient, the security of personal information can’t be ignored/neglected. 由于一系列新的地铁线路的开通,我市公共交通状况有了很大改善。(due to) Due to the opening of a series of new subway lines, public transportation in our city has greatly improved. 我们趁着今天天好去打网球了。(advantage) We took advantage of the fine weather today to play tennis. 他因国家经济衰退而不得不辞职。(force) He was forced to quit his job because of the country’s failing economy. 刚装修完的房子不宜马上居住,其散发的气味对健康有害。(suitab


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