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两代农民工的比较分析 作者:赵云霞 指导老师 :李元来 (安庆师范学院人文与社会学院08级,安徽安庆,246011) [摘要]:改革开放以来,“农民工’’这个词开始进入人们的视野。三十年来,第一批走出家门的农民工已经开始慢慢返回家乡,第一代农民工的子女,即第二代农民工开始取代第一代农民工,他们与第一代有着相同点,但更多是不同点。他们是中国未来发展的重要支柱,他们也是社会的弱势群体。他们需要社会的关注也需要社会的帮助。本文从社会工作的角度分析两代农民工的形成原因,以及他们之间的不同点和相同点。从社会工作的角度探讨了如何帮助农民建立社会支持网络。而为构建全面的社会支持系统,不仅需要社会和民政部门的努力,更需要我们进一步完善社会保障体系,发展专业社会工作,以及发挥民间组织和非赢利性组织在聚集社会资源方面的作用。在目前社会工作还没有为社会所十分熟悉与接受的情况下,有组织、有计划地构建社会支持网络,对于推动社会工作的发展,对于促进农民工问题的解决,必将有重要的理论意义与现实意义。 [关键词]: 两代农民工; 比较分析;社会工作;社会工作介入 The comparative analysis of two generations of migrant workers Ahthor:zhaoyunxia Director:li yuanlai (Grade2012.School of the humanities and Sociology.Anqing Teachers College.Anqing,China.246011) Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, the word migrant workers into view three decades, the first batch out of the house migrant workers have returned home, the children of the first generation of migrant workers, the second generation of migrant workers began to replace the first generationmigrant workers, with the first generation has the same point, but more different points, they are an important pillar of Chinas future development, they are also vulnerable groups of society, they need to concern of the community also need the help. this article from the social Workpoint of view of the reasons for the formation of two generations of migrant workers, as well as their differences and the same from the perspective of social work to explore how to help farmers establish a social support network to build a comprehensive social support system, not only in need of social and civil affairs departmentsefforts, but we need to further improve the social security system, the development of professional social work, and play the role of civil society organizations and non-profit organization in the gathered community resources. in the social work community is very familiar with and accept, organized, and there are plans to buildsocial support networks, promote the development of social


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