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BEC Preliminary Module 2 - Part 1 Business Topic: Work in Progress By Yan LIU Sun Yat-Sen University 刘燕 中山大学 * * n.生产线,流水线 production line生产线; assemble line 流水线 line adj.较小的,次要的 minor problem 小问题 minor v.开始,开办,推出 Jane is giving a presentation of the new line we are launching next month. launch We are lucky to have this construction contract in Brazil.我们很幸运签订了这份巴西建筑合同。 construction contract 建筑合同 under construction 在修建中 construction n.建筑,建筑物 Let me update you on my visit here. 让我介绍一下我在这里的(访问)情况。 Teachers should update their teaching notes each year. 教师每年要及时更新教案。 Update from Brazil 巴西的最新进展 update v.更新 v.种植或修整花园,从事园艺工作 Grandpa is doing gardening in the garden. garden project manager 项目经理 Just to update you on the project here in Valencia. 向你介绍一下巴伦西亚工程的最新情况。 project n.项目,工程 existing skills 现有的技能 When a staff member is taking maternity leave, employing a temp is also a good option for the company. 有时某个公司有员工休产假,聘一个临时雇员对公司来说也是一个不错的选择 option n.选择,可选择的方法 panorama n.全景,全景画 proceed v.进行,继续下去 Mark is making some photocopies in the shop across the road. photocopy v.影印,复印 Lisa is talking about the opening of the new brach in Japan. branch 分部,分店,分公司 As a temp, I don’t have vacation time due to the uncertainty of my job. 做临时雇员, 由于工作不稳定,我没有度假时间。 Most temps are not eligible for workplace health benefits. 大多数临时工享受不到工作场所的健康福利。 Temping gives me the time to figure out what I want to do. 做临时雇员让我有充足时间考虑自己将从事什么工作。 The reasons why companies need temps vary.公司需要临时雇员的原因各异。 Career temp 职业临时员工 People temping to pay the rent 兼职人员 Job seeker 求职人员 Freelancer 自由职业者 temp n.临时雇员 subcontract v.转包 subcontractor n.转包 temporary employment agency临时就业中介机构 period of transition过渡期 permanent job 永久性工作 temporary job 临时工作 give a presentation of 对……做陈述 be in progree在进行中,在运行中 A temp is helping out this mouth. 这个月一个临时雇员在帮忙。 help out 帮助…解决困难 开出一份存货清单 take stock Chief financial officer财务总监CFO Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都) project manager 项目经理 Chief executive officer首席执行官CEO Brazil 巴西 markerting manager 市场营销经理 financi


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