完善我国公务员培训制度的思考 毕业论文.doc

完善我国公务员培训制度的思考 毕业论文.doc

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完善我国公务员培训制度的思考 毕业论文

中文题目:完善公务员培训制度的思考 外文题目:THE THINKING OF consummation of the civil service training system 毕业论文共13页 完成日期2011年月2011年12月 摘要 国家公务员的培训是严格有序及有组织的行政人才资源开发,是指机关根据公务员工作职责的要求和提高公务员素质的需要,分级分类开展的各种教育和训练活动通过和培养全面发展的ABSTRACT National official training is strictly orderly and organization of the administrative personnel resources development, now has become a national government influence work efficiency and the image of the important factors, with the governments public service transparent development, more and more social organizations and individuals begin to pay close attention to the quality of civil servants and the government to handle affairs the efficiency, so, the consummation of the civil service training system has become a necessity. But in practice, at present our countrys civil service training management work also has some problems, this paper puts forward some ideas to solve the problem, and improvement and innovation through national public servant training mechanism and civil service training supervision and the assessment mechanism, improving the quality and the government the power to do civil servants of high efficiency, cultivate all-round development and service to meet the social needs of civil servants, so as to promote the construction of our country civil servants training mechanism and development. Key words: Civil Service Training;Training Management;Supervise;Evaluation mechanism;Consummation 目录 前言 - 1 - 1公务员培训的涵义和意义 - 2 - 1.1公务员培训的涵义和内容 - 2 - 1.2公务员培训的重要意义 - 2 - 2我国公务员培训现状 - 5 - 2.1 公务员培训法规制度立法层次不高 - 5 - 2.2对公务员培训工作的重要性的认识不够 - 5 - 2.3培训施教机构和的管理机构建设力度不够 - 5 - 3国外发达国家公务员培训取得的成功经验 - 7 - 3.1培训原则目的化 - 7 - 3.2培训制度法制化 - 7 - 3.3培训机构职业化 - 7 - 3.4 培训形式多样化 - 7 - 3.5 培训内容全面化 - 8 - 4完善我国公务员培训制度的基本思路 - 9 - 4.1加快我国公务员培训立法步伐 - 9 - 4.2 建立健全有中国特色的科学高效的公务员培训机制 - 9 - 4.3培训体制的市场化 - 9 - 4.4不断更新创新培训内容 - 9 - 4.5 建立健全公务员培训评估圈模式 - 10 - 4.6建立健全公务员培训激励和监督约束机制 - 10 - 结论 - 11 - 致谢 - 12 - 参考文献 - 13 - 前言 一个国家经济、社会的可持续和谐发展与综合国力的提升,很大程度有赖于政府执政能力的提升,而高素质的公务员队伍构成了政府执政能力的关键


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