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2010, 32( 6) : 1265- 1273 http: / / xuebao. jxau. edu. cn A cta A gr icu turae Un iversitatis J iangx iensis E - m ai: ndxb7775@ sina. com yc8 1, 2 1 2 2 邢 鲲 , 韩巨才 , 乔 建 , 张 丽 ( 1. /, 030081; 2. , 030009) : 40 , yc8, (B . c ircu lans) yc8 yc8 yc8 [ Sclerot in ia sclero tio rum ( L ib. ) de Ba ry], : ( 30 g / L ) ( 50 g / L ) ( 7 g / L ) M nSO ( 2 g / L) FeSO ( 1 g / L) ZnSO ( 2 g / L ) CaSO ( 2 g / L) CuSO ( 2 g / L) K H PO ( 2 g /L ) KA ( SO ) 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 ( 1 g / L) 28 40% 150 r /m in pH = 7. 5, 725. 1 g /mL 85. 3% : ; ; : Q 939. 9 : A : 1000 - 2286( 20 10) 06- 1265- 09 A Study on FermentationCondition forEndopyticBacteriayc8 from Rape 1, 2 1 2 2 X ING K un , HAN Juca i, Q IAO Jian , Zhang L i ( 1. Eng ineering Research Center of Green M icrobia Pest icide of Shanx i P rov ince, Co ege of A gricu ture, Shanx iA gricu tura U niversity, T a igu 030801, Ch ina; 2. Sc ience and T echno ogy Bureau o f T aiyuan, Spark T echn ique Deve opm ent Center o f T aiyuan, T aiyuan 030009, Ch ina) Abstract: Forty endophytic bacterium strains w ere iso ated from rape wh ich w ere co ected from T aigu and Y uncheng County in Shanx i P rov ince in P. R. Ch ina. Inh ib itory activ ity o f yc8 w as obv iou s in the prmi ary an tagon istic screening expermi ent and the ferm entat ion cond it ion w as stud ied, it w as character ized t


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